Komentar :
Lebah semangat (06/05/2018 09:32)
Should this place named as Cisaat Station.. People will confuse if named Cisaat.. Report edit to Google map guys
Ahmad Hermawan (08/12/2017 13:08)
Currently is the fastest and the best choice transportation to Sukabumi or Bogor, Cisaat is the nearest station to go to Situ Gunung Lake and camping area
Ilva mawasri tartiwi (31/07/2017 08:42)
Old station, not really far from main road. Always improve for convenience of passangers
Fahrudin (03/07/2017 14:52)
The train station is close to the residence. People can get in and out easily to this station. The landscape around the station is very rural.
Amirullah Amirullah (11/02/2017 12:15)
I was about to give it a two-stars. But after reading other reviews, it has recently been renovated.
I still saw people smoking on the platform where it should be a non-smoking area.
Muhammad Rizki Prawiraatmadja (18/01/2017 09:20)
Much better after renovation but the place is too far away from the main road.
JB Juliarso (08/08/2017 11:09)
Historical Place.
Novian Sutrisno (20/06/2017 22:22)
Stasiun cisaat penuh kenangan.. Sedikit ada perubahan...
kikin sholikhin (27/03/2017 02:45)
Stasiun cisaat merupakan salah satu stasiun yang melayani relasi Bogor-Sukabumi ini adalah stasiun yang paling dekat dengan kawasan situgunung. Siswa kami dari SMPIT AL A'RAF Boarding School juga selalu menggunakan kereta api melalui stasiun ini untuk pulang ke rumah.
bilqis faiha (18/02/2017 04:51)
Pernah singgah di stasiun cisaat tahun 1997 yg lalu ketika sya smp kelas 3 mau camping.belum ada perubahan yg signifikan stasiun cisaat.
Rahmat Harman Pulungan (12/02/2017 09:13)
Stasiun Cisaat disinggahi oleh kereta api Pangrango yang melayani jurusan Bogor-Cianjur
Amirullah Ibnu Madi (11/02/2017 12:15)
I was about to give it a two-stars. But after reading other reviews, it has recently been renovated.
I still saw people smoking on the platform where it should be a non-smoking area.
Abdul Haris (25/07/2015 08:58)
this place inconvenience what it should be