Komentar :
M Khairul Falah (10/01/2018 08:27)
provide good batik from low price to high price batik, style is up to date and located in Malioboro Jogja
libratus mardi (07/01/2018 06:22)
Suitable for quick shopping. Easy parking. Good qualities. Cheaper for some items. Clean. Elegant.
Galuh Megasari (04/01/2018 07:02)
Good quality batik also with good price.. The staf are nice, very helpful.
yoyok nugroho (11/12/2017 02:23)
One of the most good batik store in malioboro street. There are 2 stores for both printing batik and written batik.
C B GOH (08/08/2017 01:20)
One of the more progressive Batik shops in Jogjakarta. Pays attention to details like the labelling in Bahasa and English eg style, origin and material. Slightly more expensive than some of the other shops but you're paying for curated Batik pieces and better workmanship where the buttons don't fall off after one wear and the button holes don't fit or are missing. There is also a shoulder panel that sits well on the mens' shirts. What's great is also a selection of his and hers material and specially made Batik for bespoke shirts. Definitely worth a visit. Btw go to the main store where the clothes are tulis quality and not the mass produced printed stuff you find everywhere.
Agnes Endah Perwitasari (02/12/2017 04:53)
Good ambient... Affordable price
Radenmas Dodih (18/10/2017 06:00)
Nice and confortable batik in Jogja
D.A Hartanta (27/09/2017 02:16)
Good place for batik. The price is affordable to get a better quality
ww haryanto (12/08/2017 09:08)
The expensive price is worth it to a quality of Batik. I like to shop here and apply as VIP member to get more discount price
Rizqi Widodo (20/07/2017 09:13)
Good collection of batik with reasonably priced
Christian Huang (27/06/2017 14:36)
Good collection
Rio Permata (02/05/2017 06:37)
Salah satu tempat favorit saya untuk berbelanja batik di jogja, lokasinya berada di deretan pertokoan di jalan Malioboro. Disini tokonya nyaman, ada dua lantai, ada fasilitas toilet dan tempat duduk, para pegawainya pun juga sangat ramah. Koleksi motif dan desain batiknya bagus-bagus, terdapat kain batik maupun pakaian jadi. Ada harga ada kualitas.
Olivia S (18/04/2017 14:48)
One of my favorite place to buy premium quality batik. But unfortunately the service isn't so great.
Laras Messia (09/04/2017 12:55)
Batiknya bagus, tersedia dari harga murah smp mahal, kualitasnya bagus, modelnya bagus dan limited 😁
fauzan advantage (29/03/2017 03:49)
Icha renatha (12/02/2017 11:22)
Esterlina N (04/02/2016 14:39)
Koleksi batiknya bagus dan variatif. Suka belanja di sini untuk oleh-oleh. Pegawainya ramah, tempatnya juga nyaman.
Muksin 1989 (25/12/2015 21:06)