Komentar :
aris sarjito (30/01/2018 05:03)
Although small store but so many kind of Batik available here.
Hary Tafianoto (09/01/2018 01:32)
They have nice selection of batik.
Veronica Asmarawardani (27/12/2017 03:47)
Good stuffs and lots of choices
akhmad herdiyanto (16/07/2017 08:43)
Nice store, and so many different kind batik, friendly staff n the price follow the quality.
Olivia S (18/04/2017 14:46)
The price is more expensive than the other store in Pasar Beringharjo.
Nur Indah Handayani (02/08/2017 15:27)
harga kalangan menengah ke atas, tapi memang kualitas jauh diatas
Faqih Heni (17/05/2017 03:24)
Batiknya bagus2
Ahmad Sholahuddin (06/05/2017 10:07)
Bagus tempatnya, tersedia juga motif batik yg beda
agnes luisia (02/04/2017 03:51)
Belanja batik utk oleh2 dg harga terjangkau