Komentar :
Adi Setiya (16/11/2017 11:12)
Take a look at this Pict, and this happen almost all the time here, except 0 am and holidays. Too many cross section, too many busses, ojeks, cars and some other etc. This interchange area always be like that. CA can Can not imagine how jakartans live like this everyday and trough this road.
Esa Dicky (19/10/2017 15:11)
Sampah chaos parah. If you want to go here (or this area) I recommended you to use online transportation such as Grab Bike or Go-Ride by Gojek. Unless you are ready to get stuck for hours.
Erry Deodata (06/10/2017 07:36)
Crowded during rush hours, and my name is captain obvious.
Routes being served are:
Tanjung Priok
Kampung Melayu
Kampung Rambutan
Cibubur Junction
A Glenn (23/08/2017 12:37)
This is one of transit shelter of Transjakarta. This shelter is adjacent to Universitas Kristen Indonesia, makes this place really important for citizen of UKI that want to go to several places in entire of Jakarta. The place is easily accessible.
Kay Nazarite (01/07/2017 17:52)
This is a great transit shelter. Not too big so people can switch/transit TJ easily & not walking so far.
Eko (08/09/2017 08:34)
Small transit bus station, need to expand ini order to accommodate increasing bus user
AG (23/08/2017 12:37)
This is one of transit shelter of Transjakarta. This shelter is adjacent to Universitas Kristen Indonesia, makes this place really important for citizen of UKI that want to go to several places in entire of Jakarta. The place is easily accessible.
wily sulung (09/05/2017 14:20)
Thanks for Depok - Cawang UKI route, very helpfull although the buss take too long time to wait for...
For new Jakarta's Governor, please don't delete this route from Transjakarta's route
Sam Lee (15/04/2017 12:49)
Trimakasih sudah sediakan untuk cawang uki-cibubur . Tapi alangkah baik nya jgn sampai mau nunggu 1jam lebih baru ada bus nya .
Rizki Ardianto (31/03/2017 01:47)
Halte ini sangat ramai pada jam sibuk, jadi harus sabar menunggu TJ.
Ubaidi Ubaidi (27/03/2017 09:03)
Busway jurusan Cibubur-UKI hanya melayani 2 halte, yaitu Cibubur Junction dan Cawang UKI. Peminatnya sangat buanyak, bisnya dikit meski sdh dikasih yg gandeng tetap puenuh. Jadinya nunggunya luamaaaa.
Irfan Rosandi (11/03/2017 08:32)
nice place
Ramlee Tamin (20/02/2017 06:56)
This is the 2nd most crowded TransJakarta bus interchange after Harmoni.
There is a new route named 9B connecting Kota and Pinang Ranti.
Azis Hbl (31/01/2017 10:38)
Kehati hatian sangat di perlukan setiap kali anda berada di area ini.
Sri Baskoro Bagus Pratikno (25/01/2017 12:02)
skrg jaringan transjakarta semakin luas, alangkah baiknya halte dibuat sedikit lebih besar lagi untuk mengakomodir penumpang
Erick Gafar (20/11/2016 05:01)
Tempat perlintasan yang sangat sibuk. Sering macet sudah pasti. Ada beberapa halte untuk menunggu dan yang pasti halte Trans Jakarta.
Namat Remin (19/11/2016 22:06)
Sesuai fakta
David Andrio (19/10/2016 19:50)