Komentar :
Level 7 (26/05/2018 20:08)
rizky hermawan (27/01/2018 06:02)
I love this place, good security, bathroom and toilet, free WiFi on room, television, aircon, laundry if we want to, clean and comfortable, affordable price and of course... Private.
Leave ID in the reception if you want to book it per day.
D'Paragon in this location is close to anywhere in Semarang so this is one of the the alternative for staying I we don't want to go to the hotel.
Wowick B. Anggit (09/01/2018 14:22)
Cozy place, nice situated at the center of the city
Bedjo Santoso (21/12/2017 13:38)
It is a very potential place for gocar drivers because many live here
Isti el-syafi (07/07/2017 17:34)
Ahmad Fahmi (05/04/2016 03:21)
A comfortable boarding House Who located in the down town. Have a large packing area and free wifi access. Recomended for bussiness and student.
Dimas Permadi (22/10/2017 04:35)
Penginapan ala kost. Parkir mobil ada. Kebersihan cukup, tergantung pengunjung lain bisa menertibkan diri dengan sampahnya atau ga. Kamar cukup bersih. Kamar mandi bersih, tapi karena perlu peremajaan jadi kesane kusam. Fasilitas kamar ada AC, tv kabel, meja, lemari. Penjaganya ramah. Mau makan dekat dengan warung kompleks RS Kariadi. Ke kota deket banget
Kang Zen (20/07/2017 12:53)
Rumah kos
Supriyanto Supri (11/06/2017 13:03)
Suasana nyaman
Wahyu Tri Larasati (22/02/2017 06:16)
Tempat parkir kurang, suami sy sering parkir d luar jd kl hjn kehujanan..atap parkir rendah dan byk kyk paving pembatas tpt parkir
Djagoan Internet (01/02/2017 15:14)
So Busy
Wahyudi D. Hartanto (10/10/2016 08:44)
tempat kos untuk executive, pekerja kantoran dan mahasiswa yang levelnya high. Tapi bisa untuk sewa kamar harian, apabilan kamar hotel dirasa masih mahal. Terdapat fasilitas TV kabel, Internet dan kamar mandi dalam.
rate per harinya 150rb - 200rb an
Tommy Ristianto (17/07/2016 17:18)
Luqman Hakim (21/05/2016 18:40)
Nice place for short stay, for weekend visit, cheap and clean
azka maulana (19/05/2016 16:13)
Mahal biaya sewanya
Mama Yoonkee (05/04/2016 13:20)
Endak legendary kalau legendary mantaaaap kalau epic lumyan kalau langka suka sedikit kalau tidak biasa tidak suka kalau biasa benciiiiiiiiiiiii sekali gampng kerssss ja jelek siih hotel kok gini kayak hotel hyatt regency gituloooooh
Pry Wib (20/01/2016 15:00)