Komentar :
Qomari Sniper (08/01/2018 03:38)
Rice bowl ccm
Tamtomo Daniswara (19/11/2017 15:19)
View bisa lihat ke arah parkiran... menu makanan lumayan enak...
Ias Naibaho (27/08/2017 13:45)
Lovely place, as good as other rice bowl branch but bigger than usual! Quite warm but still cozy, though. In a hot day, it could be hot! The service is good, and they provide a bell in each table to call the waiter, which I found it's unnecessary cause the waiters are everywhere.
yohanes wahyudi (10/10/2016 12:07)
Yogi Adjie (23/05/2013 06:49)
An alternative to Cibubur Junctions' TaWan, Sapo Oriental and Imperial. They serve quite the same menu, but I prefer those three mentioned earlier.
Ananggadipa Raswanto (13/12/2015 12:32)
Enak ini tempat makannya, menu favorit saya disini: Bebek Peking dan Nasi Hainannya top berat.