Komentar :
Martinus Dwi Marianto (26/04/2018 09:04)
Located at the old part of Jakarta city, close to embassies and historic building. Nice area.
rudi cool (03/02/2018 09:38)
Nice galery6
Yan Ariefiandi (26/01/2018 06:32)
Cozy, warm and nice for hang out
Rumah Kita (26/10/2017 06:59)
Cozy place for relax
Rista Sanjaya (21/08/2017 16:02)
Authentic place to enjoy art and conduct a workshop with beautiful arts surrounding.
Nikolaus Sandizell (06/02/2017 09:54)
Great location and concept. Needs some loving, tender, care...
dian rahmawati (20/07/2017 03:14)
Tempat ini mempunyai penataan interior yg bagus dan unik.
Macan Dahan (28/05/2017 12:28)
Great place for a small workshop
Rini Suryantini (09/12/2016 04:17)
Secluded place to enjoy art...
Fahmi al haddad (20/08/2016 09:28)
Tempat yg sangat tenang
Erwin Herianto (05/12/2015 09:25)
Tempat untuk perenungan dan menenangkan diri.
Chandra Wahyudi Wibowo (30/08/2014 19:08)
Keren dan elegan
Baharu Simamora (22/11/2014 17:41)
Yolando tampubolon.
Pasar melintang balige