Komentar :
Liter Nusa (29/03/2017 14:08)
California fried chicken, fast food chain
Cipto Ariono (16/02/2017 20:39)
Average fried chicken, nothing fancy
Deddy Setiawan (15/01/2017 01:11)
Dont like this junkfood
Ambon Ejawa (11/01/2017 14:43)
Parking lot just enough, good place to hang aroud
Khalifa Bening (03/01/2017 01:11)
It's the Kentucky fried chicken style from Indonesia.. The quality and the taste of food is great but it's a bit pricey to my liking.. Hop they have more package so we have a better deal
Dwi Puspita Rini (10/10/2016 07:03)
i like the chicken strip. It was great
Made Sukmadhi Parthama (06/09/2016 09:13)
Fine meal
Sony Frey Simbolon (19/06/2016 11:40)
I love the clean...
Windhi Pranoto (25/12/2015 11:29)
Makan, makan...
nisma ceha (21/09/2013 18:06)
nonton+makan bareng with bay..>>
Jefri Pranata (04/02/2013 17:40)
Lumayan bwat hang out,,,cuman perlu dbagusin lg ajah
Muhammad Rezkhy Tirtadinata (08/06/2012 08:21)
Rame yaaaaah, huhuhu custumor berdatangan :D #Capek -___-