Komentar :
Wahyuningsih wahyuningsih (05/02/2018 05:37)
cheap price. good deals for baby product
Nanda Pradhana Suprapto (03/01/2018 14:24)
All you need for your little angels with reasonable priced products, but parking your car is a challenge..
retno arini (21/12/2017 13:49)
It has complete stocks and there's a small couch on the corner of second floor so we can take a rest for a while and see a good view from above.
Erika Somya Dewi (14/12/2017 11:55)
Good store for baby and kids' stuffs with affordable price. And plus special disc if you have wijaya member card.
hani klafrina (04/12/2017 04:02)
If you have a card member Will be so great
Hermin Irawati (25/12/2017 11:50)
The best place for my little boy
Didot Banyumas (21/09/2017 04:56)
nice place
Galih Prima (21/08/2017 12:59)
Good shop for baby
ida nurcemploek (16/08/2017 15:55)
The nice place to look for stuff for babies, with the cheap price and variative goods
Aprianto Saptha (02/08/2017 14:34)
Cheap with good quality and better place to find baby suite
gladiodio ftf (24/06/2017 04:39)
Baby's Paradise
Muhammad Rheza Gradiyanto (22/05/2017 01:49)
You could get cheap price if you buy a lot
hanzka vlog (18/04/2017 13:04)
nice store for baby stuff
Kisah Alam (01/04/2017 04:11)
Baju dan kelengkapan bayi lainnya lengkap.. mainan anak2 dan balita juga lengkap..
Aam Krisnadi (19/03/2017 08:35)
Toko Perlengkapan bayi lengkap. Dari pakaian, mainan, dan pernak pernik lainnya..
Lebih menyenangkan karena di sampingnya ada toko perlengkapan pancing..
Jadi ya Ibu Senang, Ayah Senang, Uang Melayang~
Iyok Hidrologi (08/03/2017 11:35)
Complete baby shop.. For the mother and also the infant.
siti zulaikha (06/03/2017 14:32)
Belanja kelengkapan calon baby.. gak tau jatuhnya murah apa mahal yak??
Ahmad yusup's (07/01/2017 03:59)
Komplit plit.. Harga aman. Dikantong
Riyadi Budi (11/12/2016 15:32)
Barang bagus dan member dapat potongan harga all item..
adhitya eka (22/10/2016 00:46)
Baby shop with a cheap prices
Zakiyah Arrohmah (13/10/2016 12:18)
lengkap, lumayan murah dan yang jelas pegawainya ramah banget dah. top :D
One Hermanto (08/09/2016 04:00)
Lengkap..rata2 murah.. Tp ada jg yg lebih mahal dibanding lainnya. Bisa untuk perbandingan