Komentar :
anggia fitria (03/05/2018 08:58)
Affordable price for baby stuff, many items for your baby needs, cozy place and nice helpfull staff..
Shofy R Putri (20/03/2018 12:57)
Baby shop with full facilities. The best in this town. But lil bit pricy
Ken Arini Aisha Subroto (07/01/2018 16:52)
the salesperson of this place will help customers to find baby needs or gifts. I am very helpful when looking for gifts. The salesperson will find a gift that fits your budget.
syaifa tania (09/12/2017 16:49)
Vinolia offer a lot of good stuff! It offers you with many choices and material. The place is also nice and comfortable even for kids. It has bathroom designed for mom and their kids. You can change your kids diaper or breastfeeding comfortably. The price is a bit more expensive than other baby shop nearby.
Melody Rarasati (28/11/2017 05:57)
The store is cozy. Nursery room is available so you don't need to worry to bring your baby with you.. Many cute clothes for your little one
wicahyaning putri (29/08/2017 13:55)
Middle up place to shop for your pregnancy, baby, and kid needs. Staff are friendly and helpful. An elevator is available to access upper floor.
abdurrobbi maghzaya (30/10/2017 03:05)
Love it but little bit expensive
Valkrye2 (26/10/2017 04:56)
good quality baby shop
Rajito A. Syah (21/08/2017 14:21)
Tampatnya bagus, banyak macam mainan untuk anak umur 0-10 tahun (laki-laki dan perempuan), tapi koleksi macam pakaian sedikit
nico defri (07/08/2017 03:52)
lengkap. barang berkualitas. sayang parkirnya susah.. kalo parkir di basement pake sedan pasti nyerempet bodi bawahnya
sony black (21/06/2017 15:20)
nice place
Munawar Gazali (14/06/2017 17:24)
Pakaian Anak yang lengkap dan model selalu update
Frida Tyasseta (29/04/2017 21:57)
One stop shoping utk kebutuhan ibu, bayi dan anak-anak. Tempatnya rapi, bagus dan menarik. Harga bersaing dengan toko-toko bayi yg lain.
Diana Nucifera (28/04/2017 08:17)
Tempatnya ok punya
RHendra MANGGALA (22/03/2017 11:45)
Mall-nya untuk bayi & anak-anak
mikael rinto (12/03/2017 08:01)
Lengkap namun harganya sedikit di atas rata-rata
bambang hermanto (22/02/2017 09:01)
Kini hadir lebih besar dari yg sebelumnya
Yanuar Kurniawan (08/02/2017 05:18)
Nyaman dan lengkap...
Ifish JGJA (16/12/2016 08:29)
over price
Yanuar PP (23/09/2016 11:31)
Barangnya berkualitas dan awet...
Andreas Christian (10/07/2016 00:49)
Perlengkapan buat buah hati anda. Semuanya ada di sini. Di Vinolia Baby & Kids. Terimakasih atas kepercayaan anda
Teguh Santoso (05/06/2016 08:51)
Ga ada ruang laktasi (ibu menyusui). Madness.