Komentar :
kharis ma'mun (03/05/2018 08:36)
tempatnya panas..
Windu WiratSoko (26/04/2018 10:44)
Mungkin steak paling murah di jogja. Tersedia paket2 juga, jadi lumayan murah buat mahasiswa ma pelajar. Dan yg jelas udah termasuk ppn(atau emang ga dikasih pajak-gatau)
hasna fauziyyah (18/03/2018 07:35)
Steak murah dan enak. Steak langganan kalo di solo, dan alhamdulillah di jogja ada meskipun cuma 1 di galeria. Tepungnya ga terlalu banyak kok, pas mantap. Sausnya juga enak. Pelayanannya juga cepet kok meskipun rame. Dan ini memang selalu rame, apalagi jatah makan siang atau malam. Paket 1 isinya steak ayam + air mineral/ es teh/ es jeruk/ lemon tea harganya 15k. Kentang platenya 7k, kentang wedges dengan saus steak.
Chandra Satrio (26/01/2018 03:57)
Menu gak permah lengkap, bahkan nasi ga ada. Cuma ada ayam doang sama minum beberapa kali datang, lama juga. Padahal dtg dah awal
A Perdana Putra (09/12/2017 13:24)
I order a double tenderloin and double chicken steak, I've waited for hours and it's not yet arrived at my table (45 minutes).
It's a cozy place, very cheap, a food court (a restaurant where you can order a various of food from a different seller in a table where you sit, it is common in Indonesia and usually at the mall).
°Tenderloin Double : taste like plain meat with a starch flour. The meat itself is not pretty soft, I don't recommend it if you have a problem with your teeth. The sauce feels okay at first (taste like meat broth with some caramelized sweets), but after it turns cold it taste salty and not comforting.
°Chicken Double : Taste like plain chicken with a starch flour. The chicken is soft though, the sauce is just as the same as the Tenderloin Double.
In the end I make a decision to not spend my mouney there ever.