Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Sakola Jogja Store

Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
Klasifikasi: Toko
Alamat: Jl. Kapten Piere Tendean No.47, Wirobrajan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55252, Indonesia
Rating: 4.20
Telp: +62 274 373919
Web: sakola.jogja/
Jam Operasional:
Monday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Komentar :

bondan ariawan (23/05/2018 07:11)
Saya kesini bersama teman saya, karena direkomendasikan lengkap dan murah.
Setelah kesini saya akui memang sesuai dengan rekomendasi dia, hanya saja rekomendasi tersebut menurut saya lebih tepat diarahkan untuk kaum hawa, karena untuk fashion pria hanya ada kurang dari 30 % dari total koleksi yang ada disini :v

Jika anda kesini pasti bakal terlihat banyak pria terlantar di kursi ataupun pojok-pojokan toko , Mohon jangan memotret mereka dan mempostingnya di sosmed atau manapun.

Dan catatan untuk para pria (atau siapapun yang tidak hoby belanja pakaian ) yang diajak belanja disini dengan teman wanita kalian ( atau siapaun yang kelihatannya hoby belanja di mata kalian ) , silahkan siapkan power bank min 10.000 mAh , minmuman ,snack dan kalu bisa siapkan kursi portable untuk berjaga jika kursi disana sudah habis oleh emak-emak :v

Overall saya menemukan yang saya cari disini setelah 5 menit mencari, dan saya menghabiskan 1,5 jam selanjutnya menemani teman saya belanja yang seharusnya saya yang harusnya ditemani -_-

alva villa (23/05/2018 04:18)
pilihan kebutuhan mulai dari pakaian sampai sepatu bervariasi, ada aksesoris juga. mayoritas untuk perempuan. tembat bersih dan pelayanan baik. untuk parkir mobil agak susah dan tarif parkir diatas rata2 (motor 2k) tapi masih batas wajar. overall good

Danielle Calva (10/05/2018 12:43)
Great place to shop for clothes! They have everything including a large selection of Batik. The prices are really cheap, but the quality is good.

annisaaputri desihana (08/05/2018 01:29)
This is the one of a completely store. They have many clothes and some accessories, shoes, and other. It's not too expensive. And the price is enough for a student and a workers.

Reza Farandi (09/04/2018 01:44)
This place is too crowded yet small. They should expand the building into two stories or else, at least the alley is not that small. Also, this clothing store is hot af. They should add some air conditioner instead of fan

Ratna Ramadhani (07/04/2018 04:11)
The right place to find super cheap clothes for daily life. I only recommend t-shirts. Those are quite good. Oh, anyway, this is a super crowded place, so be ready to hunt the clothes!


Amaranggana Ratih Mradipta (06/04/2018 09:11)
It's a good place when you have an appointment tomorrow and you don't know what to wear, and a good place for last minute gift with affordable price. But of course, with that affordable price, you might wanna consider the quality of materials here.
But, it also has a nice little cafe that serve beverages and delicious bakery called NSH bakery.

Hami Farchati (02/04/2018 16:16)
Well as famous as its name, this place do have affordable stuff witha lot of choices. O recommend you to prepare a lot of time if you really want to explore this store just so you find the best good. The store is vast and has a lot of hallway to other display room.

mei rizqinaa (09/03/2018 04:50)
This place provides fashionable clothes, shoes, bags and many more. It's really affordable like you can actually get a bag with only 44,5k. There are some cute accessories too, and some good stuffs for your room decoration. It's like heaven for students lol.

Raditya Nugraheni (28/02/2018 23:53)
When you visit Yogyakarta, you have to come here. You can buy stylish outfits at a really affordable price. I mean it! The last time I went there, I got a cute parka with only Rp 85.000.

Al Femme (31/10/2017 05:47)
Good place for shopaholic... all kind clothes you can find here with affordable place

Lai Shi Xun (07/10/2017 22:52)
Nice store. It has many cute clothes. The price is not too expensive

Dwi Kristiyanti (18/09/2017 23:38)
place that you can go shopping until you forget the time. and the price is not too expensive so we can buy much more items there

aurelia claresta (03/09/2017 09:18)
Inexpensive store for your daily clothing needs. Trendy and inexpensive

Iswi Haniffah (03/09/2017 05:32)
This is the place to find fashion stuff in low price, quite good quality. But there's just a small space to walk.

Miftakhul Jannah (26/08/2017 09:29)
crowded fashion store. i think you can found cheaper clothes than others.

Creseilla L R (17/08/2017 11:00)
Cheap clothes, bags and shoes. They have accessories too. This place is so crowded, of stuff and people. They need too have air conditioner...

Emmanuel Kurniawan (14/08/2017 02:43)
Nice place, but it's hot and too many fans/blower. However it's a Best place to look for budget stuffs.

meja kursi (26/06/2017 21:16)
You can find any kind of clothes for man and women here, specially for teenager and under 30. Usually this place are crowded of visitors.

Elizabeth Novi (20/06/2017 13:04)
Fashionable, completed, up to date, truly cheapest.. but still so crowded with a little space to walk 😓

Novi Sabilla N (16/06/2017 15:40)
It's too crowded but really nice shopping centre.

Ariv Zon (29/04/2017 14:43)
Cheap price but full of buyer. So you have a long queue when you'll choose clothes or when will pay to cashier

Mutia Hida (19/03/2017 22:59)
I dont know just love this place, i think confortable

All Time ParaPilots Fall Out to Mars (04/02/2017 14:36)
damn this place is a heaven if you want good clothes and accessories (fckin LOW COST). it look like everything for women at the outer part, but if you go deeper you will find the "for men" part. tips: don't go by your own car, use public transport, taxi, or motorcycle instead.

Widiana Anisa (15/01/2017 06:24)
A lot of outfit are sold here (especially for women). The price is affordable (TOTALLY AFFORDABLE). The quality isn't bad. It's like heaven for women.

Lefitria Ika (12/01/2017 17:04)
This place like "surganya belanja" for women, you can find your fashion items from head to toe with cheap price.. But, this place very crowded with people even in weekdays. The parking lots always full, better you go with motorcycle. Enjoy!

Taufiq Herry Ramadhan (11/01/2017 12:26)
Get your OOTD with valuable prices here.... limited item for mens, but so many for the ladies option

Tenonx Koi (04/01/2017 03:08)
Very cheap price, but very hard to find a parking space if we use car

erviyan wicaksono (03/09/2016 09:51)
really cheap and great women stuff there

Noki Ariwibisono (24/08/2016 18:15)
Cheap stuff with good quality

Tyas Restu (24/08/2016 13:06)
This is a good store for our fashion. The price is cheaper than other store. It sells a lot of fashion, such as clothes, shoes, bags, and more. It is one of popular and favorite place for us, spesially for you a student.

Saka Gilap Asa (03/08/2016 15:45)
good place to find some low quality clothing,

Gevinda Rizki Dewi (02/07/2016 00:41)
murah bgt dg kualitas baju dan model yg bgus. reccomended😍

Arief Hidayat (09/06/2016 14:16)
murah beettt.. dan rame banget

aryo nugroho (21/05/2016 00:52)
Its a big and complete clothes store, with affordable price overall..

Andreas Deddie Ariyanto (09/03/2016 03:28)
bikin macet...

Fatma Hanani (27/02/2016 15:52)
Harganya terjangkau, cocok buat kantong mahasiswa :D

zilfiana dewi (03/12/2015 02:30)
Akhirnya ketemu juga. Moga gak nyasar dech Nyari jalannya

Tempat Lainnya :

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