Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

SPBU COCO Pertamina 41.551.01 Lempuyangan

Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
Klasifikasi: Pom Bensin
Alamat: Jalan Kompol Suprapto, Lempuyangan, Baciro, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55225, Indonesia
Rating: 5.00
Telp: +62 21 1500000
Jam Operasional:
Monday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Tuesday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Wednesday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Thursday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Friday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Saturday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sunday: 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Komentar :

Dian Purnama Sari (26/05/2019 13:46)
The service is excellent

Yordan Kristianto (20/04/2019 06:23)
Just like another gas station. You can fill your tank here. There are plenty options for the fuel but make sure to use the correct fuel for your vehicle so that you don't break your vehicle. There should be a free air filler for your wheels.

Yeni Fatimah (19/09/2018 06:49)
Actually the service was pretty good, it just that maybe next time should confirm the order so it is precisely as it is

Riza Fadholi Pasha (12/04/2018 10:10)
This SPBU that directly maintained by Pertamina is No Longer Sells Premium Gasoline, despite of the Government has commit to protect the selling Premium Gasoline especially in SPBU company owned company operated (COCO)

Erny Ludvyani (16/02/2018 00:39)
Big gas station. Complete with mini market and car wash. ATMs are also available here. Very crowded in the morning and afternoon. Near to Lempuyangan train station. They provide many kinds of fuels. Easy to notice from the street.

David Tj (15/11/2018 03:42)
Can use credit card

Ario Pratama (01/09/2018 20:10)
Fill the tank yourself. There are minimarket, coffee, and carwash

angga wisnu Wijanarka (01/09/2018 10:11)
The most completelly gas station in jogja

Trilita Yanti (14/08/2018 00:57)
One option you can choose to fulfill gasoline

John I Hessler (24/05/2018 10:09)
This is one of a few gas stations around which offer Pertamax Turbo (RON 98), in addition to standard Pertalite (RON 90) and Pertamax (RON 92). Unfortunately, it rarely serves some people's much preferred Premium (RON 88). As far as I know, this is the first gas station in Yogyakarta which offers the experiences of self-pumping service to its customers, although by the time I used the service, the gas station limits this service to motorcylists who use Pertalite. The staff are mostly friendly and helpful, especially to customers showing a sign of confusion when self-pumping their vehicles. Their lavatory is very clean by common standard. Aside from lavatory, the gas station complex is equipped with an ATM, a mini market, a car-wash, a rest area, an oil change service, and a free air pump. Two drawbacks of this station are a rather long queue during rush hours and a relatively small park.

Piniel Hasibuan (28/04/2018 10:45)
Pertamina owned petrol station which has the most complete variants of petrol in town.

indrawan sulistiyono (07/04/2018 07:16)
Ngisi bensin dlu

Restu Dinda Kurnia (04/04/2018 15:16)
Pertama kali isi bensin sendiri. Awalnya agak susah, dan akhirnya mas pegawainya ngajarin caranya. Mantap banget ini. Tapi antrenya jadi agak panjang. Soalnya pembeli tidak selihai mas2 spbu. Jadi harap bersabar sih. Self service ini kayaknya cuma berlaku buat motor di pertalite aja. Entah kalo ke depannya giman. Pokoknya jos gandos.

Ahnaf Alfariza (06/03/2018 04:47)
One of the biggest fuel station in jogja. they provide atm centers and mini markets. Also there is a washing station for bike

Gilang Yudha Wirawan (21/02/2018 03:19)
Big fuel station and good place to take a rest for a while , but the parking lot for the car is limited.

metuomah com (15/11/2017 08:30)
Stasiun pengisian bahan bakar umum yang luas tapi tidak menyediakan bahan bakar solar. Sayangnya keluasan tersebut hanya untuk tempat antri karena hanya mengaktifkan sedikit mesin pom.

Biasanya antrian mengular untuk kendaraan roda dua jenis premium yang persediannya cepat menipis. Pun dengan pelayanan mandiri.

Setahu saya, di sinilah satu-satunya SPBU yang masih memberikan layanan air isi radiator dan angin GRATIS, karena SPBU lain tidak lagi memberi gratis agar isi angin nitrogen laku.

Aryo Seto (14/10/2017 12:56)
The best gas station in jogja so far with so many active dispenser.. this gas station also has a complete facilities

Anggiasari Aryati (03/09/2017 10:11)
Good service and better quality :)

Ferdian Nugroho (24/08/2017 00:27)
It is goverment gaslne station, so early night will close.

Wing Wahyu Winarno (22/08/2017 20:07)
This place has so many dispencer for various type of gasoline. It also has a kiosk to setup your tires pressure, either with regular air or nitrogene. ATMs, toilets, restaurant, minimarket, are also available. This is one of may fav place to buy gas for my cars.

Anugraheni Tri (21/08/2017 10:59)
So far, this is the best gas station I ever saw in Jogja. Their restroom not only devided for woman and man, but for "waria" too! What a really thoughtfull facility 💞

konan susanto (27/07/2017 23:16)
Of course one of the best gas station in Jogja. Right gas meter and not too crowded

Riz9u (25/06/2017 15:16)
good service there is a motor wash and refill of nitrogen and minimarket also complete facilities

Darren Anthony (23/06/2017 12:15)
Good this place has all indonesia's fuel

cis antono (16/06/2017 05:30)
The only COCO pertamina fuel station in Jogja. Friendly staff.

isma wanto (17/05/2017 06:45)
Good place to buy has a proper praying room. The toilet is clean.

Aldi Pangawikan (25/03/2017 23:01)
Almost complete feature here, there was free air compressor for your flat tyre, toilet, ATM & snack corner, motorcycle wash and small motorcyle repair corner.

Dicki Dahrurozak (22/02/2017 11:30)
I think this's the best petrol station in Jogjakarta.

fatma ayu (01/01/2017 07:22)
Accurate! Vehicle wash+atm center+convenience store availableeee, but the toilet is a bit dirty

Theo Chris (29/12/2016 17:29)
No fake indicator.. You get what you pay

Johaness Castle (28/12/2016 05:14)
It's all what I need. Besides refills fuel, there's also Bright Wash for motorbike washing service, Bright Mart for quick resupply, and Bright Olimart for some kind of things that We might need for Our cars and bikes. I really love this place....

Adam Althusius (04/12/2016 15:16)
My favourite gas station yet in Yogya. Guaranteed measure on all fuel dispensers since this place is run directly by pertamina. And for additional bonus, they sell pertamax turbo, a higheat rate gasoline octane in Indonesia (RON 98)

Sahrun Dongoran (23/09/2016 10:42)
Apa sih

ahmad arifin (14/09/2016 07:04)
Takeranya kacau

mario kampes (26/08/2016 04:01)
JOSS. swalayan

Aswanudin Hamid (19/08/2016 06:53)
Pasti Pas !! kalau pakai motor (premium dan pertalite) ngisi sendiri. Rasakan sensasinya ngisi bensin sendiri :)

andrias setyawan (18/06/2016 02:42)
Paling lengkap...bright mart, cucian motor, atm centre, dan ada pertamax plus ron 95

Fahmi Auliya (15/06/2016 22:06)
+ Lengkap, all in one
+ Isi angin ada meterannya

Affi Aditya Khresna (15/06/2016 08:21)
Pasti Pas

Fandi g (30/05/2016 04:26)
So many facilities. There is priority route for non subsidies fuel. Owned and operated by Pertamina

Toto Prayogo (17/05/2016 11:02)

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Pertamina 44.552.10 Gas Station
    Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.32, Ambarukmo, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 274 488518
  2. Pertamina Gas Station 44.551.13
    Jl. Lowanu, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55162, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 21 1500000
  3. Lapangan Volly
    Kurahan IV, Kurahan Kidul, Margodadi, Seyegan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55561, Indonesia
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