Komentar :
Bunga Widi (23/11/2017 15:35)
It was fun to know about the history of this hospital and about dr. Yap and his family. It's true that there are no sign to catch the museum because its become one with the hospital. You can ask the security. There is an educator who can tell and take you around the museum. There are 3 rooms. First room is containing the equipments that dr. Yap and his son used to treat their patients. Second one is containing the household appliances of dr. Yap's family. The third one is containing picture of his family and him. Also some of their collectibles. I recommend you to ask the educator to take you around the museum. It could be more fun.
Hanifah Fikri 'Aisyah (09/09/2017 02:40)
So crowded
meja kursi (25/06/2017 22:14)
The biggest eye hospital in yogyakarta
T Hage (03/09/2016 08:33)
It was hard to find and there was no signage leading the path. It's said to be opened at 9 am (turns out to be even later) although it was put on as 8 am on the website. I was looking forward to it and got disappointed, most items are still in storage and was never really ready for public since 1997. Too bad.
Great idea poorly executed.
petrus titus (03/05/2016 08:02)
Becous I enter my whive at there.
Fachri Wahyudi (31/07/2017 05:31)
Belum banyak diketahui masyarakat. Museum ilmu pengetahuan tentang kedokteran satu-satunya di Yogyakarta
masjo yo (28/07/2017 06:01)
Melayani dan mengobati sakit mata. sejak ber puluh 2 tahun.lamanya dr Yap yg paling propesional.lengkap peralatanya.lokasi jln Cik ditiro.Depan Computa tepatnya.
Yusuf Senja K (02/05/2017 04:05)
Museumnya adem, pemandunya kocak dan supel
Umarul Mukhtar (02/05/2017 04:00)
menarik.. mbak pemandunya ramah..
Anita Mursiany (28/02/2017 02:04)
Bersih rapi menyenangkan. Pelayanan sangat baik
Abi Qirun (10/01/2017 00:10)
RS. Spesialis mata terbesar di Jogya
ABABILS - Tiket Pesawat KAI Wisata (05/08/2016 17:35)
Mengobati segala macam penyakit mata.
Pinjaman Dana Tunai - Ababils (05/08/2016 17:35)
Mengobati segala macam penyakit mata.
Arizshal (11/05/2016 09:35)
Belajarlah dari sejarah
Dada Merah60 (03/05/2016 00:21)