Komentar :
Halfish Story (04/01/2018 08:55)
Classic mosque in jl. Taman 1, Patehan, Kraton, Yogyakarta, built in the 1970s with a single wood-carved pillar made from kayu Jati
Adam Althusius (04/11/2017 11:00)
One of old masjids around Keraton. Its welknown of single post on the center of it.
Jaka Nur Sukma (24/08/2017 19:37)
One of notable heritage building in Yogyakarta. Rather than Four-Pillars for traditional Javanese structure, it used only One-Pillar supporting the whole middle roof structure. Despite of its beauty, parking problem was still the primary challenge. But, afterall, it meant to be reached by foot, so for locals, it's not the issue.
A Glenn (09/08/2017 14:08)
A traditional, beautiful, and historical mosque located inside the complex of Kraton Ngayogyakarta. It is adjacent to Tamansari Palace (from the main entrance of Tamansari, you can see this mosque on the left side). This mosque is made of wood and still functional and can be used to pray.
Ramlee Tamin (31/05/2017 04:21)
Traditional mosque made of wood.
Small size which can accommodate about 100 people.
Located very near to Taman Sari.
AG (09/08/2017 14:08)
A traditional, beautiful, and historical mosque located inside the complex of Kraton Ngayogyakarta. It is adjacent to Tamansari Palace (from the main entrance of Tamansari, you can see this mosque on the left side). This mosque is made of wood and still functional and can be used to pray.
Fardy Septiawan (09/07/2017 01:58)
Historical mosque
Pertam Indonesia (09/06/2017 06:50)
Unique and historic!
Abu Azzahra (28/01/2017 16:21)
Masjidnya tambah cantik.. tempatku jumatan jaman SMA
Ahmad Nuryani (24/01/2017 02:22)
Masjid ini bersebelahan dengan Tamansari / watermark Castel, konon Soko / tiang tunggal tersebut berasal dari masjid keraton Pleret.
Baderu Ohhyess (26/11/2016 06:53)
ohh wow
rizqi mulyantara (15/09/2016 08:10)
suhiman rasmad (29/06/2016 02:39)
Aan Yulianto (02/06/2016 04:47)
Mantap.. pernah jumat'an disini
HANAN YUSUF (03/05/2016 06:27)
Klo > 1 shaff... Anak2 gak boleh di shaff 1 ?
fajar ari utomo (12/02/2016 02:41)
Bersih dan design unik tradisional,sayang tidak terdengar suara azan saat waktu sholat
nur rokhman (29/01/2016 02:57)
Masjid dengan keunikannya hanya berdiri diatas satu tiang utama berada ditengah bangunan
Ahmad Muhsin (18/11/2015 05:15)
Berhati-hatilah dengan barang bawaan anda :)