Komentar :
Argo Nugroho (18/03/2018 17:38)
Manteb, ori ning murah. Pas buat yang pengen wangi kaya selebritis, tapi ga bikin dompet tipis.
Guntur Poerboyo (02/01/2018 01:06)
Parfume house recommended
Helmi Nurfuadi (22/08/2017 01:16)
When I stepped in, the employee asked what perfume/fragrance that I'm using or I have used. Then she asked whether I want the similar brand/line or I want to try something else. She offered every perfume available which contains citrus, since I prefer the smell with that element. It probably took almost an hour for me to compare everything she recommended, but there's no hurry and she lets me try and consider everything as long as I want. I give credit for their hospitality and patience.
But after I have decided which perfume I want they gave me a bottle without a lid and without its original box. I'm not sure whether it's legal to sell it but I didn't ask any further.
They also repeatedly offered membership, in which they said any purchase with member card will always get 10% off. I filled the form and felt a bit cheated because (notice the word "will" in last sentence) in the end I had to pay more for membership and the first purchase didn't count for a discount.
Aditya Rakhman (30/06/2017 01:10)
huge variety of parfume.from the cheapest to the pricier price
Mas Okky Purwadie (07/11/2017 09:36)
Lengkap dan orisinilnya dijamin 100%
Tri Wardhani (30/04/2017 13:34)
Tak usah diragukan lagi, ini adalah tempat terbaik untuk memborong parfum favorit anda dengan harga murah
hapsoro wresni (20/03/2017 23:30)
Pelayanan yg hangat dan friendly.... V
Yuliana Godjang (05/03/2017 06:39)
Tempat favorit untuk beli Parfum Ori, krn dibawah harga mall. Koleksinya banyak.
Kurnia Musik Jogja (28/01/2017 07:57)
Sering beli parfum disini, parfum asli harga terjangkau
Vibe elnovo (01/01/2017 14:39)
parfum harga diskon
andhy nugroho (24/03/2016 14:24)
Murah bgt.. disc jg
Arief Setyadi (10/08/2015 16:24)
Parfum Original harga nggak bikin nyesek kantong, Asli, dan Ramah...Thanks ya Jocelyns...:)
Ariyadi Kartosetomo (13/05/2016 16:31)
Sering diskon, pramuniaganya sabar