Komentar :
Restu Dinda Kurnia (04/04/2018 05:11)
Remote nya bikin pusing. Musiknya jg gak gerrr. Harga murah sih. Tp ya gitu deh kualitasnya.. Pas dapet mic yg pelan jg. Akhirnya malah teriakanku lebih kenceng dr mic nya. Hahaha..
Nico N (24/03/2018 14:06)
Good place for having fun
Lucky Asazin (24/02/2018 05:24)
Good ktv
Heri Wicaksono (06/02/2018 01:08)
nice place, parking area is available
Fariz Azhar (17/01/2018 09:38)
It has a lot of spacious rooms
Rizqie Maulana (04/09/2017 05:46)
Not to special place for having a good time. Littke bit pricey I guess
Ignatius Ardiyanto (16/09/2017 15:46)
Febri Kurniawan (24/08/2017 09:00)
Best karaoke with the most populated song list. Especially with Asian music.
nury purwanto (12/08/2017 03:43)
Great place for a refreshment...
Maria Muslimatun (02/07/2017 01:10)
Cozy place n accessible for wheelchair
Ibnu Suwito (03/06/2017 17:46)
Gideon Widyatmoko (01/06/2017 10:22)
An "okay" place for coffee, karaoke, or dine!
Tria Yn (16/05/2017 06:20)
Not so good
Lusiana Sari (15/04/2017 13:00)
It's kinda difficult to choose the songs. I mean it's about the practical things.
Salmanology JCI (11/04/2017 08:47)
Standar, sama aja..
Rheva Adhitya (29/03/2017 16:54)
That remote keyboard system they use to pick a song is not convenient; outdated and not modern.
Taufik Heriawan (08/02/2017 05:06)
Sound bagus..harga relatif tidak mahal, furniture perlu ditingkatkan
Dora Angelina (01/01/2017 13:08)
Karaoke yang asik buat keluarga, pelayanan cepat dan memuaskan.
Iwan Syah (11/10/2016 16:14)
Tempay karaoke yg ada di jogja, cobain disni dan pas mati lampu dan koleksi lagunya kurang lengkap, sedikit kecewa
Rakyan Rachman Bimoseno (05/09/2016 03:46)
Good place
Iyok Hidrologi (26/06/2016 06:52)
Glamorous, cozy and elegant place to hangout
arif firmansyah (04/08/2016 23:08)
Cozy tapi kurang banyak pilihan lagunya
Henry Harto (15/07/2016 01:12)
tempatnya strategis
dobelden s (06/06/2016 19:49)
Tempat Karaoke
Novi Haryanto (26/05/2016 15:45)
Pokoke josss kang...
Atunsynk Atunsynk (21/05/2016 10:17)
Adit Tandyeri (30/03/2016 01:31)
Sound ok, tempat ok, lagu komplit. Salah satu tempat paling recommended untuk berkaraoke di jogja atau hanya sekedar bersantai
Djoko Santoso (11/02/2016 00:33)
Tempat asyik buat happy happy