Komentar :
Seftia Firdasari (19/09/2020 13:54)
john bledek (07/09/2020 13:51)
Lady Arendelle (03/09/2020 07:37)
Not good sound system
Jack Skins (16/08/2020 13:45)
Drunken Lullabies
bayu kusumo (08/02/2020 22:54)
Recomended place for baby
Alexander Enstein (24/01/2020 12:54)
Good place to do karaoke
Dimas Aryo (01/12/2019 22:16)
One of the best karaoke places in Yogyakarta with a special offer in weekdays and weekends.
Tasya Nadia (24/05/2019 11:47)
I was enjoyed here... thankyou
fr34kz (19/03/2019 09:51)
Nice place... But to many people smokes cigarette in every corner. I guess, i got lung cancer.
Ronald Lukens Bull (03/02/2019 10:23)
Problems with computer and sound system. Karoake was not good. Food was ok. But paying for private room for dining is not work it, karoake isn't working well.
Norman Gultom (11/12/2018 09:55)
Well, if i use Jakarta standard, i would give 3 stars. Price is quite cheap, but if u talk bout facility and quality of song record not so good. But hey, it's Jogja. Lol
Also, there's LC here.
Sya Kim (24/05/2019 11:47)
I was enjoyed here... thankyou
Rosyad Yan (05/02/2019 10:28)
The microphone is not that good but still worth the price.
Sugiarto Aris (31/08/2018 03:50)
good place..and bit busy take bit longer to get one small room..not too expensive👍
Carren Claudia fransisca (21/10/2018 12:25)
Parah pakek banget, ruangan bau rokok, penjaga nya judes, dan plg sebel sama satpam. Paham kok ngk boleh bawa makan dan minum dari luar tp masak botol tupperware aja ngk boleh pakek ngajak ribut. Pdhl yo botol kosong udh ngk ada isinya. Pengalaman terburuk ke tpt karaoke.
Vien Arina Ridwan (20/10/2018 14:32)
Pelayanan baik. Parkir luas dan gratis. Ada pengecekan barang sblm masuk tp biasa aja, gak ala ala razia~. Ruangannya lumayan oke. Buat sirkulasi kyknya msh kurang ya. Asep rokok bgt baunya. Trs buat volume musik setiap lagu baru hrs diatur lagi karena kekencengan. Harga lumayan bersaing sih small room 28k-an.
Amalia Rachel (20/10/2018 11:40)
Bau rokok:(
Yohana Asih Wee (14/07/2018 02:49)
A good place to sing together with friends or family (y)
iksan sutopo (11/05/2018 06:53)
Sing fun...😀
HISYAM RAFID (06/04/2018 21:10)
Pelayannya ramah, makannya ok, ruangan jg ok
Muhamad Rizal (06/02/2018 18:52)
Lovely place to get rest
Woeragil Nur Isnaeny (24/11/2017 12:30)
Good sound and good room..
adi tompel (05/09/2017 14:34)
Nice sound n good served
Anastasia Aminudin (26/08/2017 17:23)
We can do karaoke and get nice food.
ahmad syaifuddin (12/01/2017 00:46)
They dont update the western song list. Pitty
rochmat setiyawan (08/09/2017 11:53)
Cozzy place
Adi Sumaryanto (22/08/2017 02:41)
Sayid Khambas (15/07/2017 13:57)
Nice for singing
Unggul Yudha (06/07/2017 05:39)
Great. Please update the song list.
Satriya Nurcahya (13/01/2017 23:47)
Cozy place
Rizia Praja (30/12/2016 01:50)
cheap and good...
farchan muhammad khan (07/08/2016 02:18)
Joneil Bong (24/05/2016 17:26)
noctis widia (01/08/2016 16:06)
Lagunya komplit
Renner Chen (30/07/2016 15:19)
Kadang sound system suka error, room juga kadang kurang bagus tata letak furniture nya. Tapi lumayan lah
IGNATIUS ARIE ADITAMA (27/07/2016 20:21)
Tempat mantab, room nya oke, sound menurutku kurang joss dikit
Bir nya gak ada yg picer-an, adanya botolan
soto bambu di Rumah pohon (15/02/2016 01:51)
Giovani Agnes (19/01/2016 04:23)
harga terjangkau. fasilitas oke. tapi lagu-lagunya sering macet dan lama. waktu yang dihabiskan buat benerin lagu yang macet di tengah jalan tidak diganti.