Komentar :
Muchammad Djaenuddin (24/04/2018 01:19)
Good place and near from Malioboro street but no wifi available in there
Rieza Iskandar Pahlvi (16/04/2018 05:48)
Clean, good, but smoke fume from outside hotel room sometimes entering the room and make an uncomfortable for a non smoker person like me.
Henry Prawiroamijoyo (07/04/2018 17:13)
Nyaman & bersih
hermand elfarrow (15/02/2018 08:43)
near malioboro, new build hotel, easy to get transportation
Rachmad Nur (25/01/2018 07:23)
Nice at room but break fast is poor menu..
venus bagaskoro (13/01/2018 17:35)
The location is next to famous malioboro street
Maimanah Zumaroo (21/12/2017 23:54)
Although this hotel is new -there's no such facilities-, it's still a good place to live for a few days. And it's near by Malioboro.
Gus Priyono (08/11/2017 11:59)
A good place
syamsil huda (15/10/2017 06:47)
Cozy palace for sleep
Ofix (20/07/2017 15:16)
Wifi only at the first floor.., its too bad
Taat Prihatin (29/06/2017 12:42)
quality yet affordable
ray88k (25/05/2017 11:38)
It's cheap. If you only need place for sleep or quickie, you should consider this place. But the room doesn't have any phone to reception. And the card key seems to have malfunction because when I was there, I can open other room with my card key.
Abdul Alief Alamsyah (24/05/2017 06:41)
Hotel ok, clean, near malioboro. Very crowded especially at holiday.
fulsha chohan (19/12/2016 11:14)
Ok nice place
Aldino Dzaki (17/12/2016 11:22)
Di sana nyaman cumqn berisik pesawat yang sering lewat jadi kita ingin suasana tidur terganggu
Rochmad Sholikin (06/12/2016 01:39)
nice hotel for stay in Jogja...
alit thyas (19/10/2016 06:59)
Showerroom, toilet, wastafel, bersih.
Keset bersih dan diganti.
Housekeeping lumayan, hanya saja disudut-sudut area furniture tertentu diruangan yang tidak sering terjangkau pandangan mata masih ketinggalan debu-debunya.
Untuk jaringan wifi masih baru disekitar lobby saja.
Untuk traveller dengan budget yang menekankan pada kenyamanan istirahat setelah selesai perjalanan, menurut saya oke.
Ninin Sapto Hargiyanto (13/07/2016 03:18)
ok bos
Eric Pajow (31/08/2016 17:16)
Fasilitas kurang
Ratu Adil (21/08/2016 05:03)
sayang sekali resto hanya bisa digunakan saat pagi dan malam. lampu kamar terlalu temaram untuk saya yang datang dalam urusan bisnis.
Prawira Aditama (20/07/2016 13:05)
Hotel bertemakan budaya, cukup bagus tetapi fasilitasnya perlu ditambah. Keunggulannya lokasi sangat strategis, disamping malioboro pas
David Dwi Wicaksono (06/07/2016 14:31)
Sewa mobil yogyakarta 7EFA3DE1, 082145250866 (21/12/2015 15:25)
Hotel nyaman dekat malioboro.