Komentar :
Bunda Ayu (28/01/2018 19:19)
irhas Badruzaman (07/12/2017 05:05)
Best for budget, good breakfast
Joshua Aaron (18/10/2017 21:31)
Good price-quality hotel in Yogyakarta. It's basic, but it's a super peacefull in a busy city like yogya. Good wifi, pretty close to the city centre, nice garden, clean rooms. Only the bathroom was a little old, but not dirty, just old... The only thing is: the bathroom is outside, so don;t be surprised to meet a rat next to the toilet..
MOST IMPORTANT. The staff was probably one of the most friendly I've ever met on a trip. I was getting ill. I got like 20 different paracetamols, and they were checking on me all the time (because the hospital was closed because of last day of ramadan...)
Monika Ruwaimana (18/05/2017 01:28)
Good, but not really clean
Jiří Prokeš (10/03/2017 11:50)
Cheap but cosy place. Nice greenery courtyard.
Nik Maitra (03/08/2016 07:23)
I like this hotel, Peace, people are friendly, clean, nice atmosphere and the interior is very beautiful
Giraffe Green (11/07/2017 08:36)
Gak ada akses kendaraan umum. Kalo mau bisa make becak atau ojek online
UMI K NUR QOMARIAH (01/06/2017 15:27)
Penginapan harga ekonomis.... Tapi lumayanlah kalau untuk sekedar melepas lelah
Narada Pgtl10 (26/03/2017 03:47)
Tempatnya tenang dan sepi, bagi yg mencari privasi lebih cocok memilih tempat ini.
Rahmat (24/03/2017 15:41)
Tempat rapi dan bersih,sejuk juga
Tgm Yk (12/12/2016 10:10)
Kurang terawat
CANDRA JULIANTA (24/10/2016 03:20)
Kurang bersih
fanny anthony (30/09/2016 01:24)
Jarak ke Jl Malioboro jauh tidak ya? Trimksh
Saurav Maitra (03/08/2016 07:23)
I like this hotel, Peace, people are friendly, clean, nice atmosphere and the interior is very beautiful
Jonathan Wellons (03/06/2013 14:38)
I reserved a room at Hotel Seno online in the morning in a different city, but before I left I received an email from them that the room was actually not available. "Well that happens", I thought "lucky I got that message before I left" and I got a different hotel. Imagine my surprise the next day when Seno reported that I was a no-show and that my credit card would be charged $30! I don't know if t was an honest mistake by the staff or a scam. Your mileage may vary.
afiah shoheh (14/04/2016 23:24)
Kurang bersih
Ahmad Zafrullah (08/04/2016 01:07)
Nyaman dan cukup murah
Farah Fredie (06/07/2015 17:42)
Tempatnya nyaman dan aman, pas untuk traveling perempuan yg sendiri atau hanya sedikit teman jalan.
Widyan Suendra (22/06/2013 06:00)
temnpatnya sangat nyaman