Komentar :
Sasha Paramesthi (28/04/2018 09:53)
If you're looking for pieces to decorate your home with affordable price, this is the PERFECT place for you. The design is pretty chic and up to date. They have plenty if colour palate to choose from, so get your hearts out. I would choose Grey Living over Ikea, if you ask me.
Although, you get what you pay for; the furnitures are made from cheap materials so I don't suggest you to purchase anything that will get a lot of wear and tear over the years (like dining chairs for example).
You can browse their pieces online on their instagram page. The catalogue for their home decorations can be found on @1309homenliving
Nopenda Pohan (06/04/2018 13:24)
You'll be in love with this place.
mario wibisono (09/01/2018 09:36)
Looking for retro stylish furniture? Then you should come to this place
ninja black (02/09/2017 04:35)
Awesome furniture
Ghea & Hanif (14/08/2017 22:14)
Tempat yang tepat kalo suka interior unik dan menarik 😊 Hati-hati untuk tidak kalap ketike kemari yah hehe. Harga terbilang cukup terjangkau untuk yang malas bebikinan sendiri..