Komentar :
Arif Basyarudin (13/08/2019 19:47)
Asri Faizun (06/09/2018 02:41)
it is a good place to find some beauty products and they often offers discounts too. i always visit this store everytime i'm in ambarukmo plaza
Astrid Hasanah (08/08/2018 22:12)
Good place to find beauty stuff. Good price and you can find anything here, also there is always a promo. Plus 1000 get 2pcs? Wow that is a great deal.
Nofriagara Davit Harnawan (23/04/2017 11:17)
Khairul Anwar (28/03/2017 10:58)
Good place to grab great deals of beauty & bathroom amenities. Add 1000 get 2 pcs?Where else could it be!
Farida Arum (13/06/2019 23:56)
Store guardian Amplaz, cukup lengkap, sering promo +1000 get 2 items
Intan Purwita Sari (26/02/2018 10:17)
Toko yg lengkap menyediakan obat-obatan dan kosmetik di dalam mall. Bioderma, cetaphil, biore, garnier, Maybelline, wet n wild, wardah, emina, purbasari, dll ada di sini. Utk harga ada yang beberapa lebih mahal dari toko lainnya. Di sini juga ada promonya utk produk tertentu.
Gojek Driver Jogja G5 (06/02/2017 14:03)
Naufal Akbar T J (17/12/2016 09:08)
Vitamin vitaminnya komplitπ
Gojek Jogja Driver (06/02/2017 14:03)
Ariyadi Kartosetomo (13/05/2016 16:42)
Vitamin2 berkelas