Komentar :
Kempo Hardyan (31/01/2018 12:21)
The another level of Burjo where the concept of Burjo is not become something fancy in look but at serve
dhika septiana (24/01/2018 03:58)
Biasa saja. Tidak ada yang spesial. Hanya makanannya murah. Tapi rasa biasa
Dimas Setyo (04/10/2017 07:31)
Keren bro. Tempate nyaman abizzzz
Joel Ohmar (08/09/2016 13:18)
Loved this place
EL Chan (25/06/2016 01:30)
Nice place for eat
hendro setiawan (13/09/2016 06:49)
Wow burjo nya wow masakannx wow menu nx ....wow pelayanannx , kl mau wow icip sini om tante ...pokoknx wow ,lidahku aja di bikin wow.
Noel Dyaztian (08/09/2016 13:16)
Best burjo ever?!😁👍👌
Byk varian menu yg ditawarkan, kopinya pun beda, hrga bersahabat
GION HADININGTYAS (06/09/2016 18:48)
Pemadam emosi...mencegah lapar...go nongkrong ro citra...trus mAngan2...wes jan Burjo is...