Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Artha Digital Jakal

Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta
Klasifikasi: Toko
Alamat: Jl. Kaliurang, Kocoran, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Rating: 3.00
Telp: +62 274 567439

Komentar :

Dian Nusantari (07/08/2017 14:14)
This is my family's go-to-place for all kinds of photos. We used it for passport/visa photo (white background) to national ID (blue or red background). Price is standard (Rp 20,000 to Rp 25,000) and they also provided a disc in case you need to print more photos.

Teri Medan Goreng (02/08/2017 06:10)
This is a good place if you need a fast service. The photos are a bit too bright for my taste

Dindin Sobariyatna (31/07/2017 02:34)
Lovely customer services. The price is acceptable.

Timur Girindra Wardhana (09/06/2017 12:34)
Their photo quality is quite accurate in color, good services and fast.

Bachtiar Firgiawan (07/01/2017 06:35)
The quality of photo printing service is not bad, but not the best. In fact, sometimes quite disappointing.

Actually I will rate it 3 stars, but the employees are doing good job here, very friendly and helpful. So I think they deserve 1 extra star.

Matryoshka 14 (02/08/2017 06:10)
This is a good place if you need a fast service. The photos are a bit too bright for my taste

Ikhsan Hadi Nugroho (21/07/2017 10:41)
Pelayanan ramah dan cukup cepat cetak foto disini.

agnes luisia (20/07/2017 04:56)
One stop servise 👍🏾

Nur Rochim (16/05/2017 22:18)

Tri Yanta (04/05/2017 04:40)

Yuradita Soemantri (02/03/2017 07:54)
Good service.

Muhammad Rafi (22/11/2016 13:58)
place you can buy camera and friends

Ismail Bruuna (13/09/2016 15:51)
Telah membeli kamera DSLR harganya terjangkau tetapi aksesori belum begitu lengkap.

Basilius Prabawa Brodjonegoro (20/02/2016 16:10)
They only sell a couple of major brands. Cheap prices though.

Tempat Lainnya :

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