Komentar :
Yessy Bella (22/05/2018 06:18)
i came to this place, and the building isn't same as the photo. idk, maybe they're move out or something.
Yennu Ariendra (08/02/2018 19:17)
Good place. Mainly for exhibition, something there are performances and another event... But people says, they will moving soon, this year...
keris kwan (05/02/2018 15:22)
Great Architecture Space.
Meyda Bestari (25/01/2018 11:24)
I love the space. First time got inside this place is on 20th years of Teater Garasi. I joined poem writing workshop and booked a seat for Endah n Rhesa performance!
Intimate place for art projects.
Richo Wirawan (01/01/2018 08:24)
A very small gallery.
Gide Buono (05/10/2017 13:17)
Great pace for training, rehearsal, perform, and ahow your art... great people as well...
Sayu Huriyatul (16/10/2017 06:45)
Gedung indoornya agak sedikit sempit untuk mengadakan pementasan. Tapi unik 😀
husni syahrizal (08/09/2017 14:26)
Faidah Ramadhani (30/07/2017 09:10)
Bangunannya👍👍 ngga nyangka dalemnya kaya gitu! Hehe 💙
Nugroho Purwanto (29/06/2017 01:50)
Rasanya rugi kl ndak berkunjung ke sini
Bugel Boys (30/04/2017 11:59)
Galeri Seni
Abel Gavra (24/04/2017 03:02)
Sangat kreatif
Happy Yugo Prasetiya (29/03/2017 13:07)
Galleri seni yg memiliki karakteristik menampilkan karya-karya kontemporer
Rahman Yaasin Hadi (28/03/2017 01:27)
nice contemporary art gallery
zulfian amrullah (18/01/2017 20:30)
contemporary art
Senorita Marsella (29/11/2016 14:51)
Tempat yang keren.
Harry Muhammad (11/06/2016 10:08)
nur rokhman (28/01/2016 12:06)
Tempat dengan desain minimalis namun tetap unik. Seringkali datang ketika ada acara pameran seni
Harryeblek Muhammad (11/06/2016 10:08)