Komentar :
Elang Ng (17/03/2020 02:52)
Billy (28/01/2020 07:27)
various item, good quality, normal price for distro
Haryanto Pranoto (28/12/2019 13:02)
I'd enjoyed gelato ice cream.....delicious
Bayu Santoso (01/06/2019 12:11)
The collections of T-Shirts, jackets, shirts, jeans, and others are cool. Strategically located near major colleges in Yogyakarta. The price is quite expensive, though.
Gibrana Hagaspa (25/04/2019 18:28)
The sellers were nice. The clothes are good. The prices are started from around 180k.
Muhammad Cendekia Robbani Alil (13/07/2018 19:34)
The place is quite tidy, but too small
Adib Rofiqi (20/02/2018 05:05)
Jogjakarta's original indie clothing company, i've buy some items here. Very impressive. Worth it to have their product.
F Subjatmiko (07/05/2019 11:03)
Hasri Bagas (02/04/2019 11:42)
Good service
Vigi Verindo (04/09/2018 23:08)
Support local pride....
Muhammad Cendekia Robbani (13/07/2018 19:34)
The place is quite tidy, but too small
Moya Azka (12/05/2018 16:06)
Amayung Bawono Edi (04/05/2018 14:38)
Price too expensive
shiddiq haraki (26/04/2018 16:33)
Al Arif (05/03/2018 18:03)
bayu setiawan (23/02/2018 03:21)
So far so good
Dimas Bima (02/01/2018 09:17)
Well good
Nura Airo (19/08/2017 18:04)
Most wanted and famous distro in Jogjakarta with up to date item
Hendry Yosafat Aritonang (18/12/2017 17:11)
Zulhanif Arifin (02/09/2017 13:12)
Hobi Elektronika (15/07/2017 08:50)
Good brand
karel ananda (03/07/2017 11:58)
Nungki Aditama (19/06/2017 06:40)
Good job
Annas BlackHat (26/05/2017 16:50)
Desifn nya keren2.. kualitas ny jg bgus
Anakisida Huda (18/05/2017 13:49)
Koleksi tas dan hoodie sangat bagus dan lengkap. Namun kualitas kaos kurang suka
Shaesar Sahadewa (28/02/2017 13:48)
Handayani Diwang (22/02/2017 09:26)
Bagus bangettt
Jara Kada (07/02/2017 14:21)
Good stuff, average prices!
Feri Setiawan (02/01/2017 14:49)
Keren puas belanja di sana
Estimadacita cita (01/01/2017 11:11)
Beli jumper diskon 20 persen
Adam Saputra (16/09/2016 08:51)
karisma nabilaholic (29/08/2016 13:15)
Arief P Saptandani (09/08/2016 11:51)
Mantap....kesana pas lg pembukaan diskon 20%