Komentar :
Surya Pradaningrat (13/04/2018 08:50)
Sacred yet calm place
Rukti Arum (27/02/2018 15:10)
Regreting that I cannot go in to the mosque due to closing gate. There's no guardian or someone who open it. Would be nice if I could do praying there.
M Josephine Wijiastuti (01/02/2018 08:28)
I was just seeing it from outside. The door was closed and no guard there. It's well reserved.
Muhamad Jabir Sjah (23/05/2017 16:18)
Historical place
Rizal Fahmi (15/10/2016 11:47)
suhiman rasmad (31/05/2016 15:39)
Gandhul Illejay (21/06/2017 12:32)
zhoel portgas (09/12/2016 10:14)
Nuansa budaya islam ternate yg khas 🖒
Eko Teguh Paripurno (05/08/2016 12:37)
Menikmati sholat magrib dan isya berjamaah, adalah menikmati obyek ini yang sesungguhnya...
Muhammad Yusuf (22/07/2016 04:36)
Kalo shalat disini wajib pake kopiah
Izhal Tjan (24/04/2016 05:05)
Bangunan Religi Tertua Indonesia Timur
Abdullah Kaimudin (01/09/2015 14:29)
Peta tematik untuk profil 100-0-100
Ichep Irda (19/07/2015 19:08)
Rumah saya berhadapan dengan meajid sultan
Zalo soa (12/02/2015 18:03)
mesjid kesultanan ternatr