Komentar :
Mickael Chia (13/05/2018 11:16)
This is sub-sub-par airport for first time users. There are no displays for flights and gates. Announcements are mumbled, the PA system is poor, and definitely no English announcement unlike Manado or Makassar. To go to the gate you have to go up one floor, where there is one gate (deceptively), and then 2 more gates down an inconspicuous staircase. The escalators did not function. The information people on landslide are in cahoots with taxi drivers to set the price to town at Rp 150,000 which is much more than Manado or Makassar for a much shorter journey. This airport NEEDS MUCH IMPROVEMENT.
andre alim (07/02/2017 06:10)
Small airport that needs a better management..
Rvstam Gebsy (28/12/2016 03:25)
The new terminal looks better...
Boru Regar (28/10/2016 16:34)
Small airport. Like another small airport in medium city in Indonesia.
David Moore (17/03/2016 04:42)
Most comfortable airport seats ever! But bathroom sink was broken...
eko sasmito hadi (28/08/2015 02:54)
I miss you TTE, one time i come back and i want to go to morotai. Inshaalloh.
Ummi Ida (07/08/2015 10:38)
I miss ternate my lovely country... So so so much... I' ll go there next year insyaAllah w/ my family :)
indah septiantiputri (21/09/2017 21:24)
Di bandara ini ga ada eskalator, stop kontak dan setiap naik turun pesawat itu masih pake tangga jadi buat yang bawa koper agak kesulitan disini