Komentar :
RHendra MANGGALA (21/12/2017 15:09)
Alwi Alwain (20/10/2017 07:10)
The best cafe in tegal station. While you waiting for your train come, you need to try mendoan (uncooked fried Tempeh) and poci (a traditional hot tea)
Desyani Maya (09/08/2017 10:49)
it's 24 hours open, so you can rest here while waiting for your night train or if you get off the train at night time. the place is cozy, eventhough they don't have AC, there are a lot of fan in the room. and the beverage i try, which is ice lemon tea, is not bad. it's actually good. the best thing is there's some photo about a few station in the old days.
Cornellia Widiastuti (27/02/2017 07:50)
Pro: 24 hours. Centrally located. Reasonably priced. Con: wifi is NOT for the customers. No A.c, however it's still a breezy place as they put many fans in the ceiling.
dewa prasada (22/12/2016 12:29)
Not bAd for caffe at train station ;
Agoes Santosa (27/09/2017 12:58)
Sambil menunggu kedatangan kereta api, minuman kesukaan teh poci dan aneka gorengan. Kentang goreng juga ada.
Joni Arifin (27/06/2017 14:05)
Tempatnya sempit
maulana izaki (06/06/2017 21:45)
Tempat nyaman untuk menunggu keberangkatan kereta
Smart Guide (18/02/2017 21:45)
Menunggu kereta jadi tidak membosankan sambil menikmati sepoci Teh
Alfian Rizky (04/02/2017 21:09)
cipto budi utomo (01/02/2017 08:43)
Sambil menunggu kereta datang, ngeteh dulu
andik mahendra (07/01/2017 02:26)
Tempatnya enak. Ada foto2 stasiun besar jaman belanda. Teh nya jg enak. Dg cup yg besar pula