Komentar :
Muhammad Fahri Priambudi (27/04/2018 08:36)
Enjoyable and lively little station. One can find the colonial atmosphere around the place. The passenger lounge ceiling is very old-fashioned and well-preserved. And also collection of their high windows and white-colored wall.
Jefri Tamba (11/04/2018 15:48)
Such a busy station which I liked. Clear instructions or board signs. Several departure and arrival boards are available. Though the place is crowded, I couldn't see queues at all in the station to purchase the tickets. Self ticket vending machines were available. Staff were supportive and friendly. Only concern I had was there were no enough chairs or benches to sit near the track.
Yo Hendz (03/04/2018 15:03)
Stasiun mudah dijangkau & kebersihan yg sudah meningkat.
Muhammad Nikmatul Mu'minin Fadly (29/03/2018 05:49)
Need more expansion to separate departure gate, arrival gate and ticket line.
warnet chelsea (23/02/2018 09:21)
Good for grab driver.. Many customers for grabcar..
Kawi Boedisetio (18/02/2018 19:26)
public facilities were good, but no porter available...
Aizzatul Umamah (27/10/2017 09:50)
The floor and toilets are clean.. inside the station is non smoking area.. the breastfeeding room is also available..
Andhi Prasetyo (31/10/2017 09:14)
Nice and tidy, small but all in the right place
Abu Ahmadi (28/09/2017 23:36)
Nice station.. friendly
A. Anugrahni (04/09/2017 11:55)
Stasiunnya kecil. Kursi untuk pengunjung terbatas, apalagi saat jam-jam yang ramai keberangkatan. Tapi sy suka karena bersih.
Asaki Hotaru (29/07/2017 06:31)
It has changed a lot from before. And i loved it.
Pristanto Ria Irawan (30/06/2017 22:08)
Comfortable & nice place, "Tegal Laka-Laka"
Suyandi Liyis (21/05/2017 07:49)
No more place for seating when the train is delayed due to waiting passengers
Ade Putra (25/04/2017 06:12)
Stasiun kebanggaan
Muhammad Jaedi (20/04/2017 09:35)
Waiting room is not comfortable. No air conditioning, no sufficient bench.
Rudy Natanael (19/04/2017 22:30)
The schedule has changed. So must cek online website KAI
agung febri wibowo (13/04/2017 22:41)
The station is very close to CBD only 10 minutes walk and it is clean
Bastanta Lubis (03/01/2017 01:11)
I was on transit here in early morning, situation was calm and not crowded. Station was old fashioned design but clean and tidy.
Hilarius Doren (16/12/2016 13:03)
Okto rianto (10/12/2016 18:08)
Tegal yaaaay i love this place
ANGGA WIANDA (04/12/2016 01:56)
Arif Faiq (29/11/2015 15:11)
Home sweet home
Elvania Kristiawati (25/06/2016 08:29)
Sabtu 25 Juni 2016 saya berada di stasiun Tegal untuk melakukan perjalanan ke Semarang dan saya mendapatkan perlakuan tidak enak oleh salah satu petugas.
Barang saya ketinggalan di tempat tiket sedangkan saya sudah masuk keruang tunggu, saya mau keluar lewat tempat check in dan kata petugas saya harus keluar dari pintu keluar. Berhubung barang saya dekat dari tempat check in saya minta tolong petugas untuk mengambilkan barang saya. Tetapi reaksi yang saya dapatkan adalah petugas bilang ke saya dengan nada ketus "Barang barang siapa yang ngambil siapa??" Saya sangat kecewa dengan jawaban petugas seperti itu, jika tidak mau dimintai tolong mohon dijawab dengan baik.
Hasbi Rosyandi (06/11/2015 01:33)
........,, z_•£¢€¢¢££££
Asassddffgv *z,_,,∆}∆∆∆}∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆}
Sri Wldyarti (30/08/2015 15:39)
Blambangan rt 04 rw 07 bawang- banjarnegara jawa tengah
semurrjhengkyy (30/01/2015 13:52)
syaipul Anwar (05/10/2014 12:06)
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