Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

RSU Islam Harapan Anda

Tegal, Jawa Tengah
Klasifikasi: Rumah Sakit dan Dokter
Alamat: Jl. Ababil No.42, Randugunting, Kec. Tegal Sel., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52131, Indonesia
Rating: 4.00
Telp: +62 283 358244
Jam Operasional:
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

Komentar :

Renata Do (01/09/2019 01:54)
Best Hostpital services on this city

Hajar Intan Pertiwi (04/04/2019 04:41)
I love being here, instead of another hospital in Tegal. The hospital indeed very crowded, my BPJS was 1st class but I don't get the class that I intended. I got a 2nd class. Then the day after I move to 1st class. I share with other people, but it's ok than 2nd class. I got 1F on Tulip room.

Fidela (01/03/2019 23:22)
With all due respect and grateful behaviour.
This gonna be long, but probably useful for the Hospital's evaluation.

1. My mom was waiting in the IGD for 4 hours in cold and not friendly environment due to overcapacity of the IGD, I have queued for 3 hours to get a room for her. I asked the to have her on VIP but got class I instead, they said it's according to BPJS though I have asked to upgrade the class. And they didn't inform me that the rooms are all occupied.

2. Moved to Class I, a joined room with 1 other patient. The room's AC was hot and airy, the restroom's door can not be closed at all with no key as well. I have proposed to upgrade the room (again) now to VVIP since the VIPs are full. At 6pm I have signed the document for the move, but we just moved at 9pm the Nurses said the room needs to be cleaned first. At 7pm I witnessed myself the room was being prepared, not sure if 3hours are not enough to prepare/sterilize a room. My mom was not resting at all since it's kinda impossible to rest due to the environment in previous room.

3. Once we moved to VVIP, the treatment from Nurses were kind of upgraded as well. But.. some of the young nurses are rude and not treating us kindly. Even this was what happened in VVIP room, wonder how they treat the BPJS user because they seem to discriminate the patient.

4. They did not explain what's each drugs are for, do they think we would know? Duh... That's what you're here for Mbak-Mbak Perawat..

Please do some evaluation, dear RSI.
Thank you for your service.

Dustin Hebert (25/06/2018 08:31)
Don't waste your time and money in this place, the doctor that seen my pregnant wife was rude, did a half ass job and didn't want to see her patients. The wait time was 4 hours, they didn't want to do a 4D or check properly to see if our baby was healthy. Go to another hospital if you want good service. The doctor even had the nerve to scold my wife for asking questions. Even if it was free I wouldn't waste my time and money going ever again.

Alwi Alwain (23/10/2017 02:24)
First class in medical treatment. And fully designed in islamic impressions. You will always hear Alquran recitation every corner of building.

Aku month ago i was surprised by collony of birds in the afternoon in the terrace. Keep it beautiful.

Zidnie Mubarok (17/03/2017 07:50)
Good quality of services, it's more developed now. Ya sometimes the private hospital has more excellent service

Fardiyaz W. Az-zumar (20/09/2018 13:44)
Good facilities and good services, the best hospital in tegal

Damar Wahyu ningrat (20/09/2018 12:04)
The best hospital owned by the city of Tegal..

Zidni Adibi (02/05/2018 11:19)
Fair service, My father life saved by this Hospital service, but my uncle didn't make it, fair i think

Bowo Kida (02/03/2018 03:39)

Apriono Sugiarto (14/02/2018 13:44)

Suyandi Liyis (20/07/2017 06:31)
new building, looks more modern and the cost of examination is kept competitive... other phone number is 0283-355717

Haris Sumarno (19/07/2016 01:39)

Ponsell Kita (10/09/2017 01:26)
Baru 2 hari aku keluar dari RSU islam Harapan Anda, siapa sih yg pingin sakit? Tp ya begitu deh.
Walau sakit, aku tetap terasa nyaman, krn pelayanan para suster, dokter dan yg lain nya bikin saya tidak merasa lgi sakit.
8 hari nginap di sana, tdk merasa tersiksa krn sakit, biarpun saya pake fasilitas BPJS, tp sip deh pelayanan nya. Makasih para paramedis di RSU islam Harapan Anda.

Edi Santoso (23/08/2017 00:17)
Pelayananya memuaskan dan ramah tama ibu suster dan ibu/bpk doktet. selama sy di rawat RSU HARAPAN ANDA

SAKURA JAYA MEUBEL (15/08/2017 04:01)
Alhamdulillah , Berkat Doa segenap Pelayanan RSU I Harapan Anda Tegal Beserta Pa Dokter & Bu Dokter , Aku Sembuh dr Penyakit yg Aku Alami, Semoga Semua Pasien yg Ada RSU I Harapan Anda Tegal Berkahi Sembuh Amin

Noval Cilengkrang (01/07/2017 00:36)
Bagus sekali perawatannya,kakek saya waktu itu di oprasi di RSU islam harapan anda langsung sehat,walaupun bayarannya mahal tapi fasilitas perawatannya bagus banget,dan kakek saya bisa beraktifitas lagi...

Terima kasih RSU islam harapan anda atas perawatannya 👍👍👍

Masjid nya juga bersih,bagus dan ibadah pun bisa lebih khusyu

Herdianto Purba (14/02/2017 05:10)
Service Excellence
Suatu pengalaman yang menarik ketika memberikan training Service Excellence di beberapa rumah sakit. Rumah sakit yang baru saja diberikan training Service Excellence di salah satu RS di Medan. Waktu itu, di tengah-tengah training kami juga langsung melakukan survey lapangan, mendiskusikannya di ruang kelas, memberikan konsep Service Excellence dan langsung melakukan praktek di ruang-ruang pasien dan lingkup kerja para petugas rumah sakit.

Service Excellence, sudah menjadi keharusan bagi setiap rumah sakit yang ingin memberikan layanan yang optimal bagi para pasien serta keluarga pasien. Sayangnya memang dalam praktek keseharian, masih banyak hal-hal yang harus dan terus diperbaiki dalam perbaikan dan peningkatan Service tersebut. Beberapa masalah service yang sering terjadi di rumah sakit antara lain adalah: kecepatan dalam pelayanan oleh para front liner (sejak mulai kedatangan pasien dan keluarga pasien ke RS). Penangan pasien mulai dari IGD sampai ke ruang perawatan (jika rawat inap). Pada saat/masa perawatan pasien selama berada di RS (mulai dari pergantian petugas/perawat, visite dokter, layanan makan dan obat). Begitu juga ketika pasien menyelesaikan administrasi dan kepulangan. Begitu banyak/panjang proses layanan yang terjadi, masing-masing proses dan prosedur mengandung banyak potensi untuk tidak dilaksanakannya service yang memadai.

Banyak factor

Untuk informasi dan training dapat menghubungi kami di:
Cluster Cimanggu Hejo Blok B No. 6, Lantai II Bogor, 16163
Tlp: 0896-1805-5208 (Lastri), 0812-9003-0928 (SMS/WA), 0821-1252-0684 (SMS/WA)
Email :,

Mohammad Karno (24/12/2016 17:40)
Saya pribadi sangat puas pelayanan di RS ini. Ayah Saya di rawat slama 1bulan lamanya di Rs islama ini..12 hari aya Saya di ICU.begitu telaten Dokter&perawatnya Mengobati ayah saya.& Pasien yg lain nya.Smpe Akhirnya Aya Saya di Rujuk ke RS DR karyadi Semarang.

agus susanto (29/11/2016 11:34)
Pelayanannya sangat ramah,
Kebersihan nomer 1,
Keamanan dan kenyamanan membuat betah pasien dan pengunjung..

akrom subuh (06/11/2016 16:33)
min saya kecewa dgn pelayanan RSI TEGAL pasalnya pd hari minggu tgl 6/11/16 jam 09 pagi ayah saya diperiksa karna kaki bengkak hbs jatuh dan tertusuk kayu ,sudah tahu pasien kritis luka bengkak perban udh lecek kusem petugas ga mau ganti ,gada tindakan buka perban cek luka lebih teliti bahkan ga dapet obat sama sekali minimal anti biotiklah ,yg akhirnya cuma dapat penjelasan semua normal gada masalah ,saya rasa RSI lbh mentingin administrasi(surat rujukan) puskes dr pada keselamatan pasien cuma gara2 RSI tahu pasien memakai BPJS jadi dikesampingkan! , bukan apa2,,, tapi pegawai puskesnya libur,, surat rujukan bs nyusul katanya ,akhirnya ayah saya dibawa pulang tapi dirumah sering baringan karna merasa sakit makin menjadi ,sore harinya sekitar pukul 16WIB ,ayah saya ambruk dan pingsan ,setelah siuman kami bawa kedokter umum didaerah brebes ,kemudian ditangani oleh Dokter katanya ini infeksi akut akhirnya dibedah lukanya dikeluarkan nanah darah dan kayu yg tertinggal pada luka tsb ,.sakit hati rasanya:(

M. Ulinuha Iskandar (08/09/2016 09:57)
Pelayanannya memuaskan

dany chaerudin (16/06/2016 14:23)
Graha Ababil Indah no 67 ds Randu Gunting kec:
Tegal Srlatan Jawa Tengah .Indonesia @

bondan stymulan (16/03/2016 08:22)
Lumayan sering kesini overall pelayanan cukup memuaskan

Rasdun Winong (06/05/2015 09:52)
Bisa dinggo ora

Risa Kembang (16/03/2013 02:42)
Lagi kerja. Narsis dulu boleh yeeee???

Ami Ardhi (13/06/2012 15:39)
tilik bayi

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Rumah Bersalin Kaharunia
    JL. Kompol Suprapto, No. 3 RT. 01 RW. 03, Kemandungan, Kemandungan, Kec. Tegal Bar., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52114, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 283 357570
  2. RSU Islam Harapan Anda
    Jl. Ababil No.42, Randugunting, Kec. Tegal Sel., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52131, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 283 358244
  3. Maternity Home Rahma
    Jl. Sultan Agung No.34, Randugunting, Kec. Tegal Sel., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52124, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 283 320895
  4. RSIA Kasih Ibu
    Jl. Sultan Agung No.32, Randugunting, Kec. Tegal Sel., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52131, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 283 355525
  5. Konsultasi Psikologi
    Kejambon, Tegal Timur, Tegal City, Central Java 52124, Indonesia
  6. Dr. Anik ( apotik joglo sehat )
    Jl. Wisanggeni, Slerok, Kec. Tegal Tim., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52125, Indonesia
  7. RS Mitra Siaga
    Jl. Pala Raya No.54, Dampyak Tengah, Dampyak, Kec. Kramat, Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52181, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 283 322550
  8. Hospital Kardinah
    Jalan AIP Jl. KS. Tubun No.2, Kejambon, Kec. Tegal Tim., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52124, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 283 350477
  9. Puskesmas adiwerna
    Jl. Raya Sel. Banjaran No.36, Kemayaran, Tembok Luwung, Adiwerna, Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52194, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 283 443022
  10. Prodia
    Jl. Kapten Sudibyo No.136, Kemandungan, Tegal Bar., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52131, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 283 358673 ext. 353664
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