Komentar :
Silvia Oktaviani (03/12/2020 00:05)
want to meet dr.aji (the doctor is nice and friendly) because there is a complaint of spots during pregnancy, it is difficult to enter because of outside ID card. Even though I have been out of town for a long time, I only have to go to work & home to meet at least 5 people every day, there are no symptoms and the rapid letter is still valid but we are still told to repeat it with the admin. So like Dufan, there is a 'ticket' ???? the smell of the rapid business is too fast to make patients have serious complaints, making it difficult. I was shocked, finally moved doctors and hospitals
Maay Nur (23/09/2020 15:34)
Come here to have a pregnancy check for the first time but was a bit disappointed, last Saturday I was there at 8 o'clock and I waited until 10 o'clock, it turned out that the doctor could not come because there was a sudden operation, okay I understand. But again I was disappointed that Monday was there at 8 am the doctor came at half past 10 I don't know why, when it was my turn to be called around 10 o'clock I entered an ultrasound check, thought I would explain this to the doctor because I was just pregnant with the first child. So the understanding is not too broad, it turns out that the doctor did not explain anything, only told the next check-up date. For other services, I like it quite friendly.
Arie Setiady (26/08/2020 01:59)
Small parking space. Cleanliness is lacking, maybe due to lack of cleaning personnel. Doctors and nurses are friendly enough. Standard type C hospital facilities. Relatively affordable cost according to type C hospital standards. Food for patients is delicious. This hospital does not cooperate with BPJS Kesehatan, so for those who want to take advantage of BPJS Health jamkes, they are advised to go directly to other hospitals. :)
Izza Millatinvia (15/06/2020 02:04)
Mau nanya kalo mau daftar by phone bisa tidak ya?
Nooruci Wirameiana (20/05/2020 05:00)
Pelayanan ramah, cepat, tepat, fasilitas lengkap.
lia heristiana (23/02/2020 13:11)
Seneng banget kalo tempat pelayanan tuh orangnya ramah2 semua.. apalagi kalo dokternya informatif
RANTO WIBOWO (03/01/2020 12:15)
Fatkhatur Rizqiyah (31/10/2019 01:11)
Perawat , dokter semuanya ramah..fasilitas komplit..
Irsyad Rozak (01/06/2019 04:15)
RSIA yg cepat tanggap terhadap pasien melahirkan maupun pasien anak2 maupun dewasa.
Balqis Balqis (11/05/2019 14:28)
Alhamdulillah pnangN waktu melahirkan anak pertama suster dan dokternya ramah2
Edy Subagiyo (28/05/2018 01:37)
Yannew Art (03/02/2018 14:11)
Ruang operasi sudah full vinyl spek anti bakterial, antibetadin..., sangat memenuhi standard steril
Dina Syahlaa (24/04/2019 03:15)
Bagus pelayanannya, petugas ramah2
Veiry Pitik (02/08/2018 22:53)
bagus pelayanan nya,,cuma kurang kq GK bisa pke BPJS yah.
Rahardian OneStopService (07/12/2017 08:20)
Lokasinya strategis... Pelayanan bagus...
BAYU TRILAKSONO (17/09/2017 12:49)
Disini ada Dokter Andrologi. Se kab brebes tegal hanya ada disini.
Eri Sutiono (14/09/2017 00:14)
Dokter kandungan
Bayu trilaksono (21/08/2017 13:34)
Tempat menunggu nyaman ber Ac. Bersih. Petugas ramah.
Iyan 46 Channel (17/08/2017 06:27)
Bagus posisi strategis
AGOes Setiawan (28/06/2017 13:30)
Layanan Ibu bersalin dan pemeliharaan kesehatan ibu hamil
Bengkel Sinema Indonesia (22/06/2017 11:51)
Reklame Kurnia (25/03/2017 08:42)
RSIA Kasih Ibu