Komentar :
marga sanjaya (16/12/2020 01:35)
The place is comfortable, clean..the doctor is friendly ..
Indah Ilmiyati (19/10/2020 12:13)
When I want to go to Umrah, ask for medicine here so it doesn't get in the way. The nurses are very friendly, share tips too. The doctor is also smart and really comforting the patient's heart. No wonder, selling well.
muthiah malik (10/08/2020 01:17)
Can you immunize here or not?
Desain Rumah Suka Suka (08/06/2019 09:47)
Tempatny bersih, mudah dijangkau, bisa bpjs
Mang Adys (03/06/2019 06:03)
tempat strategis dan nyaman, dokternya jg ramah
Burhanudin (21/02/2019 03:23)
Nyaman dan strategis
Rihma Nur afifah (20/02/2019 11:52)
Biaya bersalin terjangkau. Tempat nyaman, dokternya handal dan berpengalaman. Konsultasi kehamilan juga nyaman.
Menilik Sejarah (02/07/2018 16:26)
my mother is a nurse here
maulana izaki (11/08/2017 12:20)
A maternity hospital and there is also a doctor's practice for illness (Dr. Rahman Edi) in a pediatrician (Dr.Herry Susanto)
Edy Dadang Subagiyo (12/03/2018 13:49)
Bagus dan ramah
Eri Sutiono (14/09/2017 00:17)
Pelayanan baik
AGOes Setiawan (29/06/2017 18:22)
Pelayanan ramah,cepat,tanggap
Pemeriksaan kehamilan ibu,pre/post persalinan
Smart Guide (03/02/2017 02:43)
Terima kasih kepada tim dokter RAHMA yang telah membantu kesembuhan penyakit istri saya
Iyan 46 Channel (17/08/2017 06:24)
A Google User (17/08/2017 06:24)
Irwin Andriyanto (27/06/2017 15:12)
Pelayanan nya baik, cepat tanggap
Tratas Jati (01/09/2016 06:10)
Terkenal dengan pelayanannya yang bagus