Komentar :
Muhammad Fahmi Umar (25/04/2018 15:44)
Wifi, a good placr for meet up with friends until midnight, crasher is the best one menu for everytime.
Hendricus Hendrani (21/04/2018 13:20)
The place is comfortable and suitable for kids
Indrawan Sunjoyo (07/04/2018 13:51)
Pelayanan bagus, cuman antrian nya panjang, tambah slot kasir lagi dong, oh ya drive thruu nya masih kalah sama tetangga sebelah. Tolong ditingkatkan ya. Trims
Wisnu Triaji (06/04/2018 00:29)
Lokasi strategis, cukup besar, ada arena bermain, bersih, parkiran luas, ada cafe hanya disayangkan ruangan cenderung panas, acnya gak terasa padahal pas datang tidak terlalu penuh. Ini membuat jadi kurang nyaman.
Crisopras Kainama (19/03/2018 10:08)
I'm lovin it... Wait, this isn't McDonald's
Dinda Anandita (04/03/2018 08:08)
Always been so crowd even in midnight hours. The chilli sauce tastes awful, it doesn't even feel like one and it definitely doesn't taste like KFC chilli sauce in other stores. Good thing they provide coffee and dessert.
Yunianto Kwa (12/01/2018 16:16)
This is the worst KFC.. After eat the chikens, some of my family member get sore throat. Need to leverage the quality. At least follow the KFC Standard..
Adhi Wahyu Kurniawan (03/09/2017 19:40)
Good place to rest and enjoy the food.
Night shift need to improvement for issues management.
Jhon Dhillon (03/08/2017 03:48)
Nice place and clean,I always take a rest here on our way to and from Bali with my family.
Rizki Herdanto (18/07/2017 05:17)
good place. but Quality Control of food is lame.. chiken taste bad.. like its double fried.. inside chiken still lots of blood.. and frencfries are lame too. like its reused the oil to fryed again.. verry under standard other KFC store..
Adhie Wijaya (29/06/2017 06:40)
Very strategic place from west or east java for eat,rest and relax. Only need more space for parking
Adi Prapto (28/06/2017 03:03)
Small but friendly, very easy to catch up drive thru, having playground for children but they so loud to hear. Strategic place. But when night is come we must very carefull when we go home, because so many bus and truck pass through this place.
faiz raditya (09/06/2017 03:26)
KFC bukan cuma jual fast food tapi juga CD makanya antrian jadi lama. Mainan dari chaki juga selalu tidak tersedia nggak kayak happy meal mcd
Bengkel Sinema Indonesia (18/05/2017 18:32)
Nyaman buat ngopi
J management (21/02/2017 11:28)
Tempat fav jagoan ane nih.... tiap ksana mesti pesen chuky kids meal...Walaupun klo pas antri super panjang, tp yg penting jagoan ane seneng...
cipto budi utomo (31/01/2017 04:49)
tempatnya enak buat duduk2 ngobrol bareng teman. tambah lagi donk sofa nya. biar makin nyaman....
James Adhitthana (22/12/2016 00:52)
Better than the KFC across the street
Prima (22/11/2016 14:33)
Klo pas mudik lwt sini, pasti mampir ke KFC ini. Dulu sblm ada mall, KFC menempati area diseberangnya mall. Pake food truck. Jd inget kejadian terakhir pas beli di KFC mall ini, ada pengunjung ibu2 yg minta ke mbak pegawai KFC agar pesanan ayan dia jangan pedes2. Mungkin dikira order pecel kali ya ;p Soal rasa, termsk cabang KFC yg ga prnh mengecewakan.
Ahmad Marzuki (20/06/2016 13:24)
kfc pacific
armando rahadian (12/09/2016 14:34)
KFC disini lumayan ramai tapi ya overall kurang lebih sama dengan KFC-KFC lainnya
Dimas Aris Sera (11/09/2016 16:14)
Salman al Farisi (09/09/2016 07:03)
tempat makan yang baik dan pengunjung yang ramai
chols zetya (03/09/2016 05:50)
Oke wissss......