Komentar :
iin indrawati (13/05/2018 05:18)
Cozy place for family run.. and good taste..
budi setiawan (25/04/2018 00:04)
God restaurant for traditional food specialy sunda's food
Arief Adrianto (21/04/2018 11:46)
Nice traditional West Java taste called nasi liwet
Arham Mauriyat (25/02/2018 14:18)
The menu's quite varied, the taste is OK, the place is nice and cozy
Laisa Naudia (27/01/2018 15:12)
Best place for having quality time with friends and family ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Lily Herliany (17/12/2017 12:46)
Nice place.. nice food.. nice ambiance. ..
Maulina Oky Savitri (10/12/2017 11:22)
The food is delicious. Suitable for family gathering. It feels very "sunda"!
Sarnanda Daski (26/11/2017 15:12)
Nice place and nice serve
Fiat Bagus Purnama (21/10/2017 10:43)
Deden Hasanudin (24/08/2017 16:42)
Good Place
Indra Guns (09/07/2017 10:15)
One of unique restourant with strawberry product and traditional food
Nofiem Akbar (17/06/2017 08:45)
Nice Place
Natasha lien (28/03/2017 07:41)
Trimakasih Rumah Makan Astro... Service
Nice...&...Execelent Happy b'day My Luv... U Ar my everything 😘 Tq To music entertainment astro.
Alexander Halim (25/03/2017 06:54)
Good ethnically restaurant
Johan Chen (05/03/2017 08:23)
nice view
Ranggi Rahman (22/02/2017 11:28)
Enak, namun service nya over price
mina aminah (30/01/2017 03:19)
Rumah makan terlengkap dengan segala macam masakan khas sunda. Juga menyediakan arena bermain bagi anak. Tempatnya cukup luas,tersedia lesehan.
Roni El Huda (16/01/2017 07:41)
cozy place for family
DRAY DISTRO BANDUNG (13/09/2016 15:27)
Menu & rasa masakannya sih biasa aja. Tapi tempatnya yg bikin betah tuk berlama2 disini.
Bersantai bersama keluarga besar disini, mantap deh
Sulistyo Untung (11/06/2016 06:01)
Quite unique and great place....
Novi Rudianto (12/09/2016 15:29)
Nice restaurant in Tasikmalaya
Falmi Street Garage (11/08/2016 15:53)
Salah satu tmpat kumpul n kuliner terbaik di tasikmalaya
medina wulandari (13/07/2016 14:04)
tamannya bagus sekali, ada tempat bermain anak-anak juga (ayunan, seluncuran dan becak mini). kl malam ada live music. sayang tempe mendoannya biasa aja.
Dedy Arya Pradita (24/06/2016 08:11)
Ada yg punya no cs nya ngga?