Komentar :
iin indrawati (13/05/2018 05:18)
Cozy place for family run.. and good taste..
budi setiawan (25/04/2018 00:04)
God restaurant for traditional food specialy sunda's food
Arief Adrianto (21/04/2018 11:46)
Nice traditional West Java taste called nasi liwet
Arham Mauriyat (25/02/2018 14:18)
The menu's quite varied, the taste is OK, the place is nice and cozy
Laisa Naudia (27/01/2018 15:12)
Best place for having quality time with friends and family ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Lily Herliany (17/12/2017 12:46)
Nice place.. nice food.. nice ambiance. ..
Maulina Oky Savitri (10/12/2017 11:22)
The food is delicious. Suitable for family gathering. It feels very "sunda"!
Sarnanda Daski (26/11/2017 15:12)
Nice place and nice serve
Dusdusan Tasikmalaya (13/11/2017 17:19)
Salah satu tempat makan favorit.
Makanannya enak tempatnya luas
Agie Ginanjar (04/10/2017 00:40)
Yups it's so fabulous..
Hendra Gunawan (02/09/2017 02:25)
Nice and great
Ardian Fauzi (28/06/2017 07:54)
I feel good 👌
Danang Hadisuryo (18/05/2017 03:27)
Spacious restaurant, open 24 hours..
Nasi liwet 👍👍👍
Silvia Veronica Setiawan (14/05/2017 09:37)
love the ponds, watery bamboos, the fishes swimming between the bamboos..
wahyu gunawan (31/03/2017 03:13)
Good tasted
yulie wanti (18/03/2017 04:50)
So clean, so friendly, but average taste from the menu
friska utami (01/03/2017 04:46)
mantaap sambal strawberinya
Diar Daniar (18/02/2017 05:11)
Makanan sudah pasti nikmat.... Terutama Nasi Liwetnya Top
Dan yang paling nikmat musholanya bersih dan ok......makan bareng seru seruan gak takut tertinggal waktu sholat.
hilma nuril (08/02/2017 13:50)
nasi liwet ny kurang sebanding sma hrg. mkn 2 org hbs 300 rb krn ada biaya service 38rb diluar mknan
Abby warma (24/01/2017 09:26)
Great food, cozy place
Willy Gunawan (22/01/2017 14:00)
Harga mahal, rasa biasa aja, tempatnya luas dan enak buat nongkrong maupun event kantor... dulu ada kuda poni buat anak2.skrg udah ga ada...
Febrianto Ramadhan (25/06/2016 20:58)
It's a good place to gather with friends and family
Muhamad Said (22/08/2016 13:02)
Rm asstro nasi liwet nya ok.ada tempat bermain anak" atv,beca mini dan kuda tunggang.
DRAY DISTRO BANDUNG (05/08/2016 16:07)
Tidak seluas Asstro Nagreg, tapi khas rm Asep stroberi masih kerasa. Saung , kolam, dan makanannya oke.
Ada acara keyboardnya. Bagi yg mo nyumbang lagu boleh tuh.
fitri rahmasari (03/07/2016 13:08)
Pas bulan puasa servicenya ga bgt, booking ditelepon katanya udh dicatet tp ternyata belom, trs pas dtg langsung tau tau penuh.
Kang Rudi (18/06/2016 11:50)
Astro tasikmalaya, nyaman tempatnya asyik buat keluarga...
Rhevi Suyasman (25/01/2016 18:54)
Nyaman dan enak