Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

21 Cineplex

Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat
Klasifikasi: Bioskop
Alamat: Plaza Asia Lt. GF, Jl. K. H. Z. Mustofa No. 326, Tugujaya, Cihideung, Tuguraja, Cihideung, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat 46126, Indonesia
Rating: 4.40
Telp: +62 265 2350021

Komentar :

Fiat Bagus Purnama (22/05/2018 09:19)
The one and only

Muhamad Zulfikar (12/05/2018 11:12)
The most important place that u must know

Doni Harvadiansyah (09/05/2018 05:12)
Lovely place for movie lovers

Rooky Archer (30/04/2018 11:38)
Kebersihan terjaga,, restroom nya nyaman, makanannya enak, hospitality ok

Niskala Wastu (30/04/2018 06:44)
Fasilitas, ticketing dan pelayanan sudah sangat bagus. Cuma seringnya memang menayangkan film Indonesia yang ga jelas. Tidak bisa sepenuhnya disalahkan karena mengikuti pasar juga. Jadi ya, lumayanlah daripada tidak ada.

A LUKMAN N HAKIM (29/04/2018 23:09)
The First and only one international scale of theater in east priangan. Good enough to refreshing and watching movie, however still lack of some movie. Most of them, just a national movie and horror movie.

Muhammad Ripan (30/03/2018 16:45)

nopi amarsanifarid (23/02/2018 14:24)

Hevy Ruswandi (31/12/2017 12:01)
Please add and upgrade Buying ticket with online method. Many People wasting time during 1-2 hours just for get a ticket.

good improvements, now at this place we can purchasing ticket wit m-tix. we can directly get the ticket by online method.

Erwin Fatwa (20/12/2017 10:44)
Better than no theater in this city

Ramadhan Achmad Fajar (14/04/2017 11:27)
The place is good. But the tickets are overprices.

Johan Chen (31/08/2017 07:54)

Falhan Basya (27/07/2017 04:10)
Comfortable cinema

Mutia Pratiwi (06/07/2017 01:32)

jaka hermawan (23/04/2017 06:55)
The one and the only theater..

masajiee Junaedi (21/01/2017 16:53)
tempat bila hati sedang kacau bisa lah terobati dengan film action/comedy:)

Dian S (24/12/2016 20:38)
Bioskop 21 pertama dan satu satunya di tasik yang jadi tempat nonton orang orang tasik.. cukup nyaman.. Sama seperti 21 yang lain.

arief rachman (23/12/2016 12:53)
Quite good for a small city movie theater

Muchamad Guntur (21/10/2016 05:40)
Dizzy studios

Ghost Ships (19/08/2016 13:39)
cozy place in town

Tomie LionParna (23/09/2016 13:32)
Bioskop kesayangan urang tasik. Djamin nyaman nonton di sini.

Andhica Candra Malysant (27/06/2016 08:35)
Satu-satunya bioskop di tasik yg bikin gw gak ketinggalan film box office

Asep Wahyudin Nugraha (08/05/2016 04:32)
Jalur antriannya dibikin per counter...imho mestinya diintegrasiin jadi satu antrian aja seperti di 21cineplex yg di jabotabek.

Ridwan Loekito (04/05/2016 16:13)
Nyaman tempatnya..

Hendra Rahes (17/04/2016 05:44)
Tempatnya asyik buat nonton dan jg nongkrong,, #keren

fathir rendra (14/04/2016 05:56)
Banyak film nya top!

Argya Fauzi (13/04/2016 11:43)
Menjadi bioskop satu - satunya di kota Tasikmalaya, terdapat 4 studio sebagai fasilitas menonton. Yap film - filmnya juga update.
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