Komentar :
Maryo Imay (13/05/2018 10:19)
Thank God there's a place like this, so your family will not ran out of place for family to come visit
Munshief Emzhet (01/05/2018 02:32)
Recommended places for a happines with a kids...
Yulius Kukuh (25/02/2018 10:18)
This place is good to refreshing, recreation & selfie...
cokot semut (21/02/2018 11:04)
pros: large playground for kids, large parking area, good spot to enjoy sunset in Tarakan, a lot of snack seller.
cons: it needs attention especially after rain there are puddles in some area, still found visitor put rubbish in sea instead of in the trash can, need to improve toilet facilities (water availability)
Adrian rockaphobia (03/01/2018 14:55)
One of the best spots to watch the dusk and sunset...
Alana ann (17/11/2017 16:40)
Have a large parking space, good place to bring children, have a lot well chairs
Lendro Kurniawan (28/08/2017 09:44)
Public place with harbour scenery... With fountain in the middle, some kids playground, and jogging track... Nice place for families..
Muhammad Paozan (16/10/2017 01:20)
Tempat yang asik dan menarik. Sebuah landmark yang menjadi ciri khas kota Tarakan
donny ram ogi (25/08/2017 07:03)
Good place for family time..
ulik blackid (07/08/2017 02:57)
Tempat santai, sunset dan bersih.
Sylvana Stokhorst (30/06/2017 13:49)
Good place for recreation but it's too crowded and many children playing unattended
Agustinus Tuauni (27/06/2017 08:37)
Not very comforting
Nisurali Tarigan (02/06/2017 09:57)
menarik untuk melepas lelah
Budinur Derma Saputra (22/05/2017 17:27)
1. View bagus (pemandangan laut dengan sunset)
2. Akses mudah
3. Terlalu sempit dan penuh
4. Banyak anak penjaja makanan yang menawarkan makanan/ minuman dengan cara memaksa pembeli
5. Tidak ada pemisah area untuk publik dengan area bermain anak.
6. Pengaturan parkir yang berantakan
Joe Yasin (18/05/2017 12:39)
Nice place to bring your kids, clean by the beach
Imam Novi Widianto (01/05/2017 20:48)
RTH terbaru di Kota Tarakan. Saat ini cukup ramai dikunjungi hingga di atur jam buka tutupnya agar tertib. Semoga ada RTH lain lagi di kota Tarakan
Rizz Fozz (05/04/2017 11:32)
Hehehehe.. Taman penuh kenangan. Barengan sama my boss & Mr Bams, as the Actor behind the scene Taman Berlabuh. 😊👍👍👍
surilestari (14/03/2017 04:21)
Tempat nya bagus untuk santai2 (asal cuaca tidak panas), karena tidak ada tempat berteduh. Dan untuk parkiran nya agak semerawut, yg parkir didalam cuma asal parkir. Tanpa memperdulikan kendaraan lain yg sedang parkir.
Dwi Muhammad Fajar Muslim (20/01/2017 15:29)
Tempat yg bagus
Dede dede (19/01/2017 08:08)
tmpat nongkrong yg paling asik lah di taman berlabuh???
Nandika Wahab (26/12/2016 11:50)
Bagus buat nongkrong bareng sahabat keluarga atau pasangan , menikmati sunset , bisa dibilang ini losarinya trk lah hahaha
Eka Surya (24/12/2016 13:55)
kereen yaa
Saidyl Deal (23/12/2016 09:18)
Tempat yg pas buat refreshing di Kota Tarakan.