Komentar :
Ferdy syah irfan (04/06/2018 09:01)
Enak dan nyaman
elita handayani (09/05/2018 05:32)
Hopefully the menu can be more variative
suci isman (08/05/2018 04:36)
good food and service
youwai yap (07/05/2018 06:25)
Real Value for your $$
Firman Bunowo (01/05/2018 06:14)
Relatively cheap with delicious food
Ahmad Taufieq (05/01/2018 07:23)
Nice for relaxing
Dedy baghas (30/09/2017 04:51)
Siska Astari Dewi (25/09/2017 05:51)
This Airport facilities is complete, the praying room is available in 3rd floor. Near the waving gallery is available waiting room with electricity socket and ac. If you have long transit here it's better waiting on the 3rd floor than at front of deprtarture area.
jacky risen (20/08/2017 11:06)
New airport, nice airport
Mas pujianto (25/07/2017 09:18)
Nice city, nice people, wonderful experiences😍😍
Anas Salatiga (25/11/2017 11:00)
Lokasinya cukup dekat dengan pintu keberangkatan. Selalu tersedia bakso kemudian snack lokal cukup membantu lah bagi para pelancong. Bisa menerima kartu kredit BNI Platinum Garuda dan lainnya. Pemegang kartu kredit bank lain juga bisa Selamat mencoba.
Anggasta Putra (22/07/2017 11:41)
Baik sekali
Darmawan Batara (20/07/2017 05:32)
Bagus kok... orangnya gk maksa2 good
widya pasaribu (01/07/2017 09:24)
Cukup bagus, perlu diperbaiki utk kebersihan toilet dg menambahkan signage
CANDRA JULIANTA (30/06/2017 23:15)
Belom terlalu rame.