Komentar :
Setio Suprapto (01/11/2017 14:57)
Province Hospital
Citra Pandiangan (30/08/2017 00:59)
This is hospital with emergency service
arrie firdaus (14/03/2017 01:56)
Good staff and doctors but need more and fluent in english, good facility, long que for bpjs insurance patient need attention please
Sayid Tarmizi (20/09/2016 22:37)
The great hospital in this island
Firmansyah Kusasi 01 (11/02/2016 01:24)
The service is quite well
Bakti Pambudi (03/07/2017 05:57)
Dokter kurang bagus
Lis Budi Rahayu (13/04/2017 03:16)
pernah berobat rawat jalan.......sistem sudah bagus, walau dalam sekali berobat sampai selesai bisa 5 jam
Muhammad Akhyar (29/03/2017 04:02)
rumah sakit bagus.. pelayanan sudah oke.. hanya antrian bpjs terlalu lama.. kalau bisa diperbanyak lagi staff untuk mengurusi pasien bpjs.. trims
Guardian Hasibuan (15/12/2016 17:42)
Lengkap tapi dokter kurang memadai
Minka Father (19/11/2016 17:04)
Rumah sakit yg paling bagus di pulau bintan... Tapi SDM nya masih kurang...
Firmansyah Kusasi (11/02/2016 01:24)
The service is quite well