Komentar :
Ela Minarti (14/02/2018 03:37)
Not good
Efrydinata Putra (03/11/2017 01:26)
the room is nice. spacious, full carpeted floor, big bed, and clean. room services has done great job here. the hotel itself is great. breakfast is quite good, but not very much choices. the environment around the hotel, whoa. noisy and active at night. not the hotel of my type.
Derren Chrissanto (11/07/2017 19:24)
Old hotel.. crowd too.. good and clean place
Berjaya TD (15/02/2017 07:44)
One of the oldest hotel in town. Have KTV room.
Heri Heri (09/12/2016 05:29)
Good handle costumer
Yuspandie Nur Airin (05/09/2017 09:52)
DenilGamers _1120 (22/06/2017 06:02)
Imei Yana (02/03/2017 02:01)
hotel langgana tempat pertemuan & platihan sebagian besar instansi2 di kota tanjungpinang
Alie Fabregas (18/12/2016 02:45)
Tempat wusata malam tempat nongkrong tempat bernyanyi
rahadian said (05/11/2016 02:01)
Tempat yg strategis n sarapan enak
Hp Ku (26/09/2016 07:21)
refreshing luar kota
Hendra Saragih (24/08/2016 23:35)
Salah masuk
alex juanda (16/07/2016 14:25)
Ada hiburan malam nya
Jeffri Hunter (03/06/2016 23:59)
Salah satu tujuan wisata belanja di kota tanjung pinang
Erick Varizon (19/06/2015 13:27)