Komentar :
Handry Carlos (23/10/2017 01:22)
The air conditioner was under fixing while i was there but not a bug trouble since it wasn't hot that day. My order comes fast, served with smile and the taste well just the same like other mcd.
marius ferdinand Turambi (27/03/2017 11:43)
Good food, fast service, reasonable price, not too spacious, often long queuing
Djulio Laurenzo (19/01/2017 07:08)
Good as usual, just kinda more crowded than other chain of mcd
Elizabeth March (11/09/2016 14:15)
1. +Great air conditioning
2. -Some of the chairs were broken the last time I went there and had not been replaced
3. +Great food and drinks
4. -Please add tomato sauce into the sauce machine thingy. Tomato sauce has been missing for a long time :(
5. +The employees are kind and polite
6. -On some days it could be very crowded
7. -Painting over Ronald McDonald on the front seat would be nice XD
Recommended menus : fish burger, cheese burger, french fries (ughh their french fries are goodd), mc flurry, fish bites
Suwarto Hasarjo (13/08/2016 03:43)
Good place
Steak 89 (08/05/2017 10:37)
Parah pelayanannya, sengaja beli happy meals buat koleksi mainan, dibilang cuma sisa 1 mainan, mau gak mau ambil. Begitu org berikutnya yang satu ras, beli happy meals juga, langsung dikeluarin mainannya semua. Parah, rasis. Banned this mcd 😜
Antonyus Hansen Hermawan (31/01/2017 02:50)
Hampir setiap hari saya order via mcdelivery.. hari ini saya sangat kecewa.. minuman tumpah.. tidak diberi sedotan (saya minum seperti kucing).. pesanan tisak sesuai pesanan.. uang kembalian sangat amat jelek, lecek2 lusuh2..
saya kecewa sekali dengan pelayanannya.
aLi and SoLikhiN (11/09/2016 04:31)
Kemaren kesini untuk hadiri ulang tahun temen saya yang anaknya berumur 4 tahun, makanannya enak-enak pelayannya cekatan dan ramah-ramah.
Vera Sylvia (13/08/2016 03:37)
Makananya enak dan lezaat
timmy _21 (13/08/2016 03:36)
Masih enakana yang citra 6
kendy hery (31/12/2013 18:13)
Met tahun baru 2014