Komentar :
Intan Rachwati (11/12/2020 08:19)
The service is good. Thank you
Simon Trust (07/12/2020 04:15)
A place to buy animal feed & pet cages. Cheap prices, location 1 complex with metropolis town Square Mall
rh m (21/10/2020 06:00)
Ambar Hadi (20/10/2020 23:48)
Nice pet shop with affordable price
RSYD Channel (22/06/2020 04:09)
Lengkap produknya & bersahabat harganya
Mochammad Alif (25/05/2020 09:13)
Di chat gapernah dibales, cuma dibaca doang
Jeanny Fatmawatitrtut78 (27/02/2020 12:32)
Telpon nya mati terus. Tolong di perbaiki
Baby Shark (12/02/2020 19:50)
Jual anak anjing juga ya di sanah?
Ihsaniel Hakim (07/12/2019 22:39)
Untuk perlengkapan peliharaan cukup lengkap dari dulu pelihara kelinci sampai sekarang pelihara kucing, dan harganya bisa di bandingkan Dengan petshop lain , penjaganya pun ramah dan sangat informatif ketika ditanya, untuk pelayanan dokter hewannya sudah cukup baik, dan tarif pelayanannya masih bisa di bilang terjangkau, semoga kedepannya lebih baik, satu hal yang perlu diperbaiki mungkin lokasi kliniknya yang terlalu di atas
Siti Sri Nurleni (05/09/2019 14:18)
Harga makanan kucheng murah bersaing, pelayanan ramah, ada dr. Hewannya. Ada promo steril setiap hari selasa dan jumat. Titip hewan juga murah 35k/day, tapi memang tempatny agak kurang bersih kalau untuk titip hewan. Mungkin karena bbrapa kandang sudh terlihat tua kali ya jadi kelihatannya sj ndak bersih. Kalau mau yg lebih lagi bisa coba di laras sekitar 60k-an/day agak lupa sih. Agak nyesek di laras kalo buat mudik, hehe.
Joanna Lin (08/08/2017 20:33)
It was a sorely disappointing experience with them. I had my dog sent to the their boarding house . This is the 2nd week. She came back with a severe bacterial infection on her neck.
I understand that 'this pet store is very popular with the locals. Everybody seems nice and SEEMS TO take good care of the pets there,
I even accounted tips to make sure that they take care of my dog properly. And definitely it was turned upon deaf ears.
The infection was existing for a while and THEY FAILED TO NOTIFY me when it happened and hence delay the procedure of treatment.I specifically gave two numbers to them to call. But they DID NOT CALL AND DID NOT NOTIFY ME about my dog's condition.
They even attempted to shift the blame to the leash. I hardly leash my dog and if they know that she has an infection ; then they must be that tanga to put the leash on the infected part of the wound.
The wound was not self inflicted as it is at the nape of my dog, so it was almost impossible for her to scratch; just imagine a human trying to lick his elbow.
And the cage is not cleaned properly .
Owner was very busy; she was everywhere doing everything at the same time. But I appreciate it when she took full responsibility of the negligence to inform me and hence the delay in the treatment of my dog's wound.
Luckily, the vet Dr J , is a very nice lady whom kept me calm and make sure that my dog, is being treated.
I m from Singapore and I live in Manila.
I try as much not to impose high expectations on what is going on here and I integrate as much as possible.
This is not a complain. It was simply a review to keep the standard in check.
Aren't we. Thank you for taking time to read.
Dewi Anita (25/09/2019 08:08)
Harga Makanan kucing murah, pelayanannya baik dan lumayan lengkap.
alexander phoenix (19/07/2019 02:55)
Lumayan lengkap
lala Alfina (10/07/2019 11:21)
Disini beneran petshopnya murah kllo harganya brapa aja
Dwi januari (22/05/2019 04:20)
Judes gak ramah . Orng nanya apa jawabnya apa . Mengecewakan lah pokoknya
Jeck Vegeance (09/02/2019 16:34)
Untuk no WA ny ada ga ka ?
suzana rubi (19/12/2018 02:53)
Salah satu pet shop lengkap di daerah Tangerang dengan harga yang bersaing. Lengkap dan pilihannya banyak. Lokasi ada di dalam komplek mall Metropolis.
Elf Tyche (28/08/2018 19:36)
Komplit Harga Murah
Spider Boy (10/10/2018 14:16)
Cukup memuaskan untuk kita yg ingin membeli kebutuhan peliharaan. 😉
Siti Muminah (17/08/2018 01:06)
Harga Nya Murah-Murah Dan Kualitas Nya Sangat Bagus:))
Mpuy 8989 (27/04/2018 06:37)
Hampir semua lengkap.. harga sama lah beda2 dikit lebih murah
Fajar 1983 (17/01/2018 05:05)
Jual cairAn pembersih telinga kucing engga dan harga nya brpa??
Yeni Adevaa (15/08/2017 03:29)
Maaf pet shop nya bs salon kucing jg gak y klo bisa sore ini saya mau ke sanah
Chintia Monica (26/06/2017 16:27)
Saya mau tanya kak, ada jual anjing Bichon Frise yang anakannya gak ya ?
Naurissa Biasini (19/12/2016 11:41)
petshop terutama untuk kucing, anjing, dan kelinci. harga barangnya rata-rata lebih murah daripada petshop lain. selain itu bisa mandikan kucing dan anjing juga. juga ada penitipan hewan, tapi kurang recommend kalau untuk penitipannya.