Komentar :
Alex Pangestu (20/01/2018 06:35)
Service is excellent despite the place is not as nice as the two leading car brand in Indonesia. Waiting room is decent with a tv cable, air con, massage chair, coffee maker, water dispenser, and surprisingly free BreadLife breads.
Bayu Pratama (07/01/2018 08:59)
Not too crowded then service booking is somehow not necessary. Good services are delivered here.
69teana (24/11/2017 02:19)
great services.. keep consistence!
berry gemini (22/11/2017 05:12)
Long term pit stop. My T31 xtrail model got oil change every 10000km
Tommy Budiarto (22/08/2017 10:02)
Convinience service shop
pinz yolando (13/06/2017 07:25)
Arfin Djunaidy (31/05/2017 06:10)
Fast one good...
Azhari Ridwan (19/03/2017 12:28)
Pelayanannya ramah, tempatnya bersih, coffee machine, snack, kursi pijat, tv cable, wifi, cozy dan dapet makan siang
jihan riana (23/02/2017 13:04)
Hanya lewat
banyu alea (20/12/2016 09:09)
Beli dan Servis juga dimarih. Pelayanan dari sales, sa, sampe sekuriti semua ramah. Cuma keabisan spagheti niy..kesiangan dateng Servis nya. Hehe..
Arivano Kurniawan (23/08/2016 10:34)
So far good
andreas 01 (19/06/2015 10:05)
Good services
budie sepacks (12/07/2013 08:46)
Like this
Heru Suharsono (31/07/2015 18:29)
rudi jatmiko (25/07/2015 18:17)
mantap pelayananya .teknisiny handal2..
Tan Siu (12/02/2015 03:23)
Bs lgsg dtg tnp appointment. Dan pelayanan jg cepat.
Lokasi di pinggir jln besar jd tdk menyulitkan utk dtg.
setyo yogo pramono (07/07/2012 11:25)
bengkel terbaik