Komentar :
Preicyllia Hardipura (07/04/2018 08:44)
Family hotel with good food and moderate price
Elisabet Dewi Rumanti (26/03/2018 00:23)
Friendly staff, always come here everytime I had a training. Easy to find. You can go to the mall, campus, hospital, etc from here.
Anindhita Sunartio (26/12/2017 19:39)
Strategic location. Spacious room and nice staff. Not much choices for the breakfast, but there is good seafood resto nearby. The wifi connection is down when we stay there
CJ Angel (08/11/2017 23:46)
Cheap, pretty clean, near Siloam Hospital, not use for "dirty business"
Lizzie (31/08/2017 19:56)
At first :got a room with very smelly bathroom ( I think it smelled of sewer). Ask the staff for camphor balls to cover the awful smell. They did not have it. They COULD NOT BUY it, even after I offered to change the cost of the camphor balls if they have it. Then I asked to change room. The second room: at first, the bathroom (dry condition) did not smell. And then, after awhile, the same SEWER smell came out again! And this time, the WC could not be flushed!!
So I suspected all the row in DELUXE TWIN BED room are like this. My colleagues who stayed in deluxe SINGLE BED room did not experience this smelly bathroom.
And approximately a month later, my 2 friends stayed there again (since it is the closest to where they must go and also cheap), they experienced the same thing. It all happened in row deluxe twin bed rooms. And they still sell the rooms. But now the improvement is they provide camphor balls.
One of the owner (an old lady) when receiving my complaint : at first displayed and expressed suprised of my complaint because she said she have never heard this kind of complaint before! I kind of lose my patience and told her that this have happened before. Because I have checked reviews at online booking hotels, such as agoda.
Dora Trisnowaty (07/10/2017 08:03)
Calm and peaceful
Djaka Adrianta (09/08/2017 00:10)
Not bad
Soerjo Pramoeko (19/06/2017 21:20)
Nyaman dan tenang
Taufik Pamuji (04/04/2017 23:34)
DN91 RD (04/03/2017 13:35)
Ada banyak fasilitas di binong guest house ini...
Yoshua Sirait (25/01/2017 02:57)
Multi Function Room!
John Prasetiya (16/12/2016 00:00)
Nice place, room clean, convenience
Endy Budiman (22/11/2016 16:35)
Buat yg cari penginapan dlm waktu yg cukup lama ,drpd di hotel
muhammad farhan (28/10/2016 08:13)
Tmpat bersih rapi, pegawai sopan skrng lbh bnyan krna sdah ada resto baru
Kurniawan Rizky (06/09/2016 10:57)
Comfort place and cheap price
Dika Muhamad (10/06/2016 22:40)
Murah nyaman..
Fedora Fei (28/05/2016 08:44)
Affordable guest house in Lippo Karawaci area.
Yanni Ndantan (12/04/2016 08:50)
Cukup nyaman
Selamat Music (26/03/2016 03:56)
Andre Yazz (27/11/2014 05:55)
Great place