Komentar :
Bayu Ermanto (11/02/2018 08:23)
Great place to find various bike parts and also apparel. Most of the product that sold here is for MTB
robert a (18/07/2017 07:50)
lots of premium MTB brands and extensive choices of bike parts & apparels ...its a one stop shopping for MTB mania...
Charles mseven (26/12/2016 08:52)
Friendly services, killer bike tips. Rider & sales owner.
Gie lang (14/06/2016 04:22)
suitable place to earn your money for.great mountainbikes parts
Odie Astadi (25/03/2014 16:26)
Nice shop, nice guys
Warung Ngebul (12/07/2017 18:17)
toko sepeda yg komplit
上野謙一郎 (28/12/2016 13:50)
Iya !!! Bagus dong😍😍😍 mantaaaap😘😘
Romi Indra Utama (05/08/2016 08:22)
Great service! Pesen barang, transfer, terus dianter pake uber motor. Barang udah sampe.
Anti Racizm (19/08/2016 06:04)
Daniel Prabowo (18/06/2016 02:34)
Lengkap... Harga masuk akal
Zainal Mudzakir (15/03/2015 17:42)
Toko sepeda yg mantab, sempet beli beberapa parts sepeda disini khususnya sadle WTB dan memang Bagus Bike ini pemasok brand WTB (saddle dan ban). Soal harga termasuk kompetitif lah dan yg jelas barang2 disini hampir mayoritas barang dengan brand berkualitas.