Komentar :
winda asrina (30/07/2016 06:22)
Suka Banget! Di kasih Tips dan Tricknya banyak euy.. dari nutupin bekas jerawat, sampe bikin alis yang simetris.. Dan pastinya Make up branded semua so hasilnya tahan sampai tengah malam..*kelas pagi*
Tina Josefien (19/04/2016 12:19)
Tempat Belajar Make Up yg fun... Gurunya baik banget, sabar & telaten banget. Cucok lha para pemula belajar disini. Semua make up brand papan atas 😍.
Sukses ya mbak Novi..... God Bless u always
Aryo Pinandito (22/03/2016 09:22)
Puspita Andarini : Kecee and very like this .
Desi Kardini Wulansari (16/03/2016 09:35)
How cool is makeup? Makeup mba Novi, the person is fun & cooperative, the makeup tools are branded, all of them don't use eyelashes now, it's a hero, especially the eyebrows are really cool, really can make super hitszz eyebrows ... thanks Vanityfame ... .????????
Laitul Patla (14/03/2016 12:36)
Dinda Puspaningtyas (14/03/2016 11:55)
Flawless make up with grade A make up brand, and easy to clean. Great one!