Komentar :
John Calvin (04/04/2018 06:15)
Bagus dan adem kantornya. Parkir luas.
Bhushan Karde (17/03/2018 05:42)
Extremely well maintained campus
Eunike Elizabeth (22/02/2018 00:38)
Love the office. So green concept.
Bartholomeus Priandika (26/12/2017 15:11)
Good place for office park, a lot of parking area and have public sport area.
Suksmono Adi (05/11/2017 01:28)
Better place compared to RA Kartini's office
A G (27/09/2017 12:36)
Modern office building. Nice canteen and coffee shop on site
arief darmawan (11/11/2017 02:48)
Frans Ijoel (02/09/2017 12:43)
Open and modern office complex
Amali Munajat (17/08/2017 03:23)
Nice and green office park. Excellent
Astania Putri (12/08/2017 12:55)
A building with great design
Ghina Mardiana (20/07/2017 11:19)
Homey officee so comfyyy
Mohamad Reza (15/06/2017 21:15)
Modern office, very organised and comfortable place for work.
Audi Denadin (29/05/2017 07:49)
Very cold air conditioner
eko joko (03/04/2017 19:15)
project lagi project lagi
indarmawan wijaya (24/03/2017 00:54)
Beautifull office
Jaya Rak (26/08/2016 07:38)
PT. Tripatra
Rieska Handayani (06/12/2015 11:20)
Ruslan Azka (22/09/2015 15:30)
Luar biasa
Abhy Nak Bone (19/07/2015 09:27)
Chandra Suntana 3 (21/12/2015 02:45)
Gempa di Kalimantan
Diana Sari (15/09/2015 14:37)
Tempat ini di pinggir jalan tapi agak tertutup pepohonan rimbun dan banyak orang sekitar yang tidak tahu. Gedungnya tampak sudah lama namun terjaga dengan baik dan bersih. Disini selalu ramai, nomer teleponnya juga cukup padat namun para petugas sangat ramah, cekatan, dan profesional dalam memberikan pelayanan.
mochamad fachrizal (10/04/2015 07:10)
A Google User (21/05/2013 06:48)
Still work
이이상진 (15/03/2013 01:22)
블루버드 타면 못찾을 확률 70퍼센트