Komentar :
Ayu Fajriani (16/04/2019 12:16)
Tempat tunggunya jauh lebih nyaman ketimbang sebelumnya, lebih luas, lebih bersih, lebih muat banyak. Juga disediakan terminal listrik, jadi penumpang sambil nunggu bisa mencharge handphone atau bahkan kerja buka laptop kalau mau.
Gana Prio (11/03/2019 09:36)
Pelayanan ramah, cuma kurang mesin debit aja.
Rahmat Subagyo (07/01/2019 04:06)
lokasi baru lebih dekat ke pintu masuk toll, sehingga tidak lama terkena macet jalan ciputat
Dinda Sora Annisa (29/12/2018 14:01)
Pertama kali nyobain Travel Baraya, ya cukup lah. Boleh di coba buat kalian yang nyari alternatif travel murah atau yang mungkin kehabisan tiket travel dan harus buru-buru balik ke bandung.
Satu mobil isinya kurang lebih 13 orang (kalau gak salah) tapi lumayan kok gak padet banget karna kapasitas mobilnya pun cukup besar.
Tapi yang agak disayangkan mungkin harus sedikit ditingkatkan lagi pelayanannya seperti tepat waktu keberangkatan, tersedia stampel atau struk resmi dari travel tersebut.
M Fauzie (04/06/2018 00:07)
Tempat tunggu lebih lega dan bersih serta nyaman, tersedia juga tempat utkt cas hape, toilet, parkiran cukup memadai.
Aulia Trie Hutama (18/05/2018 06:03)
Ray Raditya (09/03/2018 23:43)
Received the package on time, easy to book and good vehicle...
nurmae 26 (09/09/2017 00:20)
Im okay with the car, but they are not very professional in whole aspects , we're supposed to go on 7.00 am but we're go on 8.00 am. 1 hour late..
The staff not friendly and seems lazy..
This is the first and the last one, i'm using this travel. Better you choose another travel, add cost more but the service better.
Salma Aulia (12/08/2017 17:11)
I booked travel for 7 am but i just leaved Ciputat at 8.20. What a bad service, it deserves the price.
Hengky Yudanto (06/07/2017 14:08)
It's make me easy when i want to go surapati bandung. I always go at 7 am. And the driver already waiting... like it
Herda Ayu Kusumaningrum (13/04/2017 01:58)
There's no issue with the location, it's quite accurate. But the shuttle itself was no good in whole aspects. I agree with several comment below, this BARAYA IS ALWAYS LATE AT LEAST AN HOUR, I knew it myself after several trip with them. Thus last night, my mom shall go at 7PM, then we had a call whether delayed schedule to 8:30PM. She ended up going at 10:15PM, that's after some customer complained them (oh yeah it's true that THE STAFF IS TOTALLY NOT FRIENDLY, he looks lazy, neither helpful or informative). And my mom transferred to another car half way in the middle of heavy rain because the driver said that he got sleepy. My mom arrived at home at 3.30AM. Thanks to Baraya. It's not pleasant to drive with you. I hope the better service for your own good.
han mustofa chezta (19/11/2018 02:52)
Tempatnya mayan bersih
Irham Anshar (02/10/2018 10:56)
Bandung ciputat baraya turunnya disini.
eliff a (05/06/2018 23:03)
Suka telat
Nur maesyaroh astuty (09/09/2017 00:20)
Im okay with the car, but they are not very professional in whole aspects , we're supposed to go on 7.00 am but we're go on 8.00 am. 1 hour late..
The staff not friendly and seems lazy..
This is the first and the last one, i'm using this travel. Better you choose another travel, add cost more but the service better.
salma aulia (12/08/2017 17:11)
I booked travel for 7 am but i just leaved Ciputat at 8.20. What a bad service, it deserves the price.
Adiyatmo Jpr (27/12/2017 20:16)
Bagus seh tapi kadang nyebelin. Telat dikit gak mau nunggu
Muhammad Rafli Fadillah (30/08/2017 03:56)
Not bad, but the bus often comes late
MUHAMAD KHUSNUL HAKIM (11/07/2017 13:25)
Udah lama ga naik travel k bandung...eeee ga sesuai rencana karna jam keberangkatan g sesuai dengan jadwal seharusnya. Tapi alhamdulillah sampai ditujuan
Nabilah Putrie (26/05/2017 09:44)
Harus ditambah cadangan mobil dan supir karena setiap keberangkatan selalu telat alasannya mobil belum datang. Setidaknya beritahu pengguna jasa melalui sms kalau keberangkatannya telat. Semoga dapat diperbaiki kedepannya, karena memang masih banyak yang memerlukan transportasi ini.
Rizky Ramadhan (08/04/2017 12:24)
Ruang tunggu kurang nyaman, pelayanan petugas kurang ramah, dan kalau telat (katena macet dll) tidak ada driver dan mobil cadangan yg standby
Nur Bhara (19/01/2017 17:16)
Tamara Y (11/10/2016 03:39)
Always late, i repeat ALWAYS late, and drivers are not helpful, and the people working there are not that friendly.