Komentar :
joi anry sabarlele (06/04/2018 10:56)
Yang jaga main hp mulu, gak responsive. Kalo nelpon ke sini susah amir, ntaahh.. telponnya di pakai untuk apa..? sibuk terus...
Hali Purnama (31/01/2018 09:50)
Tempat nyuci mobil
Gabriel Dewantoro (23/11/2017 01:11)
Ada garansi kalo hujan, tp antrinya lama
Wahyu Zera (08/11/2017 01:28)
The price is above average by almost twice but the service was wonderful. Plus, they also clean the whole car with their hydraulic jacks
Indri Handriani (31/10/2017 03:26)
Cheap and very clean result
girindra wardhana (12/06/2017 01:03)